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                 Wednesday 14 June 2017
                                                Male Health Reality

                                                                   By: Dr Carlos Viana

            My  father,  Manuel,  would  cluding  male  sexual  drive  same  test  we  ask  for  in  due to changes in the bal-  physical finger exam, there
            tell me that all men put their  and function.             blood  tests  to  check  for  ance  of  sex  hormones,  as  are medical strategies that
            pants on one leg at a time.  Perhaps    the   prostate’s  prostate  problems,  like  risk  men grow older.          can  help  protect  prostate
            It was his way of telling his  most  important  function  is  or development of cancer.  The secret is how to protect  health. If you are interested
            son that despite the diver-  that  it  filters  and  removes  After  an  ejaculation,  the  your prostate. The first rec-  in  a  healthy  prostate  to-
            sity  in  careers,  life¬styles,  toxins to protect the sperm,  amount  of  PSA  rises  natu-  ommendation  is  to  use  a  day  for  a  more  successful
            backgrounds,        abilities  which  improves  the  sperm  rally  in  the  blood.  It  slowly  condom.  Protecting  both  tomorrow, call to make an
            and  aspirations;  men  are  health.  Unfortunately,  over  returns  to  normal  after  a  partners,  condoms  use  is  appointment.
            more  alike  than  different.  time,  a  build-up  of  toxins  couple  of  days.  However,  highly effective against the  CARLOS  VIANA,  Ph.  D.    is
            Their lives are governed by  in the prostate has several  the older the man, the lon-  most  dangerous  of  sexu-   an  Oriental  Medical  Doc-
            many  of  the  same  desires  negative  effects.  With  the  ger  it  takes  for  PSA  to  fall  ally  transmitted  infections,  tor (O.M.D.) having studied
            and consequences.            increase  number  of  pollut-  back  to  “normal”.    Thus,  I  including HPV. The second  in China; a US Board Cert.
            A  man’s  prostate  gland  is  ants and toxins in our food  tell men, before their blood  recommendation  is  to  re-  Clinical Nutritionist (C.C.N.),
            the largest, shared reality.  and the environment, 5-al-  test, to wait as many days  duce  environmental  toxins  an  Addiction  Professional
            When healthy and in young  pha-reductase  is  reduced,  as their decade of life, be-   by  avoiding  or  using  pro-  (C.Ad.),  Chairperson  of
            men,  the  prostate  gland,  which  is  then  responsible  fore  checking  PSA.  For  ex-  tection  from  chemicals.   the  Latin  American  Com-
            about  the  size  of  an  Aru-  for  the  declining  sex  drive  ample a 40 year old should  Eating  healthy  foods  like  mittee  of  the  International
            ban  florin  has  many  jobs.  in men as they age.        not ejaculate for at least 4  blueberries,  acai  berries,  Academy of Oral Medicine
            As  a  muscular  organ  that  At  the  same  time,  toxins  days before checking PSA.  raspberries  and  cranber-   and Toxicology (IAOMT), a
            surrounds the urine tube at  absorbed  by  the  prostate  All  men  should  be  con-   ries that have phytochemi-   Rejuvenating Cell Therapist
            the  base  of  the  bladder,  to  protect  sperm  is  one  of  cerned   about   prostate  cals which protect against  specializing  in  Age  Man-
            it  controls  the  release  of  the main reasons there is a  cancer.  Black  men  have  numerous types of cancer.  agement,  has  a  weekly
            urine.                       growing  epidemic  of  pros-  the  highest  risk  of  prostate  Garlic,  besides  regulating  radio  program,  writes  and
            The  prostate  also  has  a  tate disease and cancer as  cancer, followed by white,  blood pressure, appears to  lectures  extensively.    For
            part  that  secretes  a  fluid  men  deal  with  more  and  Hispanic,  and  American  protect against all types of  information:  VIANA  HEAL-
            that  makes  up  part  of  the  more toxins.              Indians.   Some   prostate  cancer, including prostate.  ING  CENTER,  Kibaima  7,  St
            semen  and  enhances  the  The prostate also must pro-    cancer signs related to uri-  The more raw and cooked  Cruz TEL: 585-1270 Web Site:
            swimming  ability  and  fertil-  tect sperm from the numer-  nation  include:  burning  or  garlic a person consumed,
            ity  of  sperm.  These  secre-  ous  sexually  transmitted  pain  during  urination,  dif-  the lower the risk of cancer.
            tions  also  play  a  valuable  diseases.  The  epidemic  of  ficulty  urinating,  or  trouble  The  best-known  supple-  “Prescriptions  from  Para-
            role by protecting the urine  the human papilloma virus  starting and stopping while  ment  to  protect  the  pros-  dise”  -  International  Book
            tube,  the  urethra  from  uri-  (HPV)  from  having  unpro-  urinating  and  more  fre-  tate is Saw palmetto. Used  Award  Winner,  Alterna-
            nary tract infections, which  tected sex with one partner  quent  urges  to  urinate  at  mainly  for  urinary  symp-  tive  Health  -  ta  optenible
            seem  to  be  much  more  will forever transmit this dis-  night. The most troubling in-  toms  associated  with  an  na    Aruba  na  Viana  Heal-
            rare in men than women. A  ease to all other partners in  clude, loss of bladder con-  enlarged  prostate  gland  ing Center, Tur libreria, Gift
            bonus for males, the pump-   unprotected  sex.  The  HPV  trol, decreased flow or ve-  (BPH), Saw palmetto is also  shops y centro nan di salud
            ing  action  of  the  prostate  virus which produces cervi-  locity  of  urine  stream  and,  used  for  other  conditions,  di  calidad.    tambe  ta  dis-
            fluid feels good, making sex  cal cancer in women, has  seeing blood in urine.         including  chronic  pelvic  ponibel den forma do print
            desirable and thus helping  now been shown to start a  These  are  also  symptoms  pain, bladder disorders, de-     y  pa    Kindle  download
            procreation.                 reaction that will eventually  are  also  of  enlarged  pros-  creased sex drive, hair loss,  pa  nos  amigo  nan  pa  fo
            The  prostate  gland  con-   lead to prostate cancer in  tate, known as BPH for Be-    and  hormone  imbalances.  di  Aruba  na    www.ama-
            tains  a  crucial  enzyme;  men decades later.            nign  Prostatic  Hyperplasia.  Be sure to take a zinc sup-    Pa  anuncio  nan
            5-alpha-reductase      that  During  ejaculation,  a  fluid  Most men have continued  plement  each  day  also  to  acerca di mas evento nan
            converts  the  hormone  tes-  produced  in  the  prostate,  prostate  growth  through-  support male hormones.      y firmamento di buki check
            tosterone  in  the  body  to  Prostate-specific   antigen  out  life.  In  many  men,  this  Get The Point!  All men have  , check  corant nan local,
            DHT  (dihydrotestosterone),  (PSA) is important for keep-  continued  growth  enlarg-  the  same  risk  that  increas-  radio  y  television  tambe
            which  is  at  least  ten  times  ing sperm liquid.       es  the  prostate  enough  to  es,  as  they  get  older.  For  como    riba    www.viana-
            more powerful than simple  Keeping       sperm    liquid  produce  BPH  problems.  a man. it is critically impor- y  join e discusion
            testosterone.                makes  swimming  possible  It  isn’t  entirely  clear  what  tant  to  keep  the  prostate  riba nos  Facebook pagina:
            This  potent  hormone  DHT  so  the  sperm  can  make  it  causes the prostate to en-  healthy.  Besides  a  blood
            has  several  purposes  in-  into  the  womb.  This  is  the  large. However, it might be  test  checking  PSA  and  a  scriptionsformparadiseq
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