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                 Wednesday 14 June 2017
              New frontier in cancer care: Turning blood into living drugs

            LAURAN NEERGAARD                                                                       to treat cancer — if scien-  kemia and lymphoma.
             AP Medical Writer                                                                     tists can make it work, safe-  “There’s   a   desperate
            SEATTLE  (AP)  —  Ken  She-                                                            ly.  Early-stage  studies  are  need,”  said  NCI  immuno-
            fveland’s  body  was  swol-                                                            stirring hope as one-time in-  therapy  pioneer  Dr.  Ste-
            len with cancer, treatment                                                             fusions of supercharged im-  ven Rosenberg, pointing to
            after  treatment  failing  un-                                                         mune  cells  help  a  remark-  queries  from  hundreds  of
            til  doctors  gambled  on  a                                                           able  number  of  patients  patients for studies that ac-
            radical  approach:  They                                                               with  intractable  leukemia  cept only a few.
            removed  some  of  his  im-                                                            or lymphoma.                 For  all  the  excitement,
            mune  cells,  engineered                                                               “It shows the unbelievable  there are formidable chal-
            them into cancer assassins                                                             power of your immune sys-    lenges.
            and  unleashed  them  into                                                             tem,” said Dr. David Malo-   Scientists  still  are  unravel-
            his bloodstream.                                                                       ney,  Fred  Hutch’s  medical  ing why these living cancer
            Immune therapy is the hot-                                                             director  for  cellular  immu-  drugs  work  for  some  peo-
            test  trend  in  cancer  care                                                          notherapy  who  treated  ple and not others.
            and this is its next frontier —   In this photo taken March 29, 2017, cell production associate   Shefveland  with  a  type  Doctors must learn to man-
            creating “living drugs” that   Herley Beyene places containers of immune cells in a centri-  called CAR-T cells.    age  potentially  life-threat-
            grow  inside  the  body  into   fuge at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.   “We’re  talking,  really,  pa-  ening side effects from an
            an  army  that  seeks  and   Associated Press                                          tients  who  have  no  other  overstimulated   immune
            destroys tumors.             Research  Center  couldn’t  ful is that?” said Shefveland   options,  and  we’re  see-  system.  Also  concerning  is
            Looking  in  the  mirror,  She-  find any signs of lymphoma  with  a  wide  grin,  giving   ing  tumors  and  leukemias  a  small  number  of  deaths
            fveland  saw  “the  cancer   in  the  Vancouver,  Wash-   his  physician  a  quick  em-  disappear  over  weeks,”  from brain swelling, an un-
            was  just  melting  away.”  A   ington, man’s body.       brace.                       added immunotherapy sci-     explained    complication
            month later doctors at the   “Today I find out I’m in full  This  experimental  therapy   entific  director  Dr.  Stanley  that  forced  another  com-
            Fred  Hutchinson  Cancer     remission  —  how  wonder-   marks an entirely new way    Riddell. But, “there’s still lots  pany,  Juno  Therapeutics,
                                                                                                   to learn.”                   to  halt  development  of
                                                                                                   T  cells  are  key  immune  one  CAR-T  in  its  pipeline;
                                                                                                   system  soldiers.  But  can-  Kite  recently  reported  a
                                                                                                   cer  can  be  hard  for  them  death, too.
                                                                                                   to  spot,  and  can  put  the  And,  made  from  scratch
                                                                                                   brakes  on  an  immune  at-  for every patient using their
                                                                                                   tack.  Today’s  popular  im-  own  blood,  this  is  one  of
                                                                                                   munotherapy drugs called  the most customized thera-
                                                                                                   “checkpoint  inhibitors”  re-  pies  ever  and  could  cost
                                                                                                   lease one brake so nearby  hundreds  of  thousands  of
                                                                                                   T  cells  can  strike.  The  new  dollars.“It’s a Model A Ford
                                                                                                   cellular   immunotherapy  and we need a Lamborghi-
                                                                                                   approach aims to be more  ni,”  said  CAR-T  researcher
                                                                                                   potent: Give patients stron-  Dr. Renier Brentjens of New
                                                                                                   ger T cells to begin with.   York’s Memorial Sloan Ket-
                                                                                                   Currently  available  only  tering   Cancer     Center,
                                                                                                   in  studies  at  major  cancer  which,  like  Hutch,  has  a
                                                                                                   centers, the first CAR-T cell  partnership  with  Juno.In
                                                                                                   therapies  for  a  few  blood  Seattle, Fred Hutch offered
                                                                                                   cancers could hit the mar-   a  behind-the-scenes  peek
                                                                                                   ket later this year. The Food  at  research  underway  to
                                                                                                   and  Drug  Administration  is  tackle those challenges. At
                                                                                                   evaluating one version de-   a  recently  opened  immu-
                                                                                                   veloped by the University of  notherapy  clinic,  scientists
                                                                                                   Pennsylvania and licensed  are taking newly designed
                                                                                                   to  Novartis,  and  another  T  cells  from  the  lab  to  the
                                                                                                   created  by  the  National  patient  and  back  again
                                                                                                   Cancer  Institute  and  li-  to  tease  out  what  works
                                                                                                   censed to Kite Pharma.       best.“We  can  essentially
                                                                                                   CAR-T  therapy  “feels  very  make  a  cell  do  things  it
                                                                                                   much  like  it’s  ready  for  wasn’t programmed to do
                                                                                                   prime  time”  for  advanced  naturally,”  explained  im-
                                                                                                   blood  cancers,  said  Dr.  munology  chief  Dr.  Philip
                                                                                                   Nick  Haining  of  the  Dana-  Greenberg. “Your imagina-
                                                                                                   Farber Cancer Institute and  tion can run wild with how
                                                                                                   Broad  Institute  of  MIT  and  you  can  engineer  cells  to
                                                                                                   Harvard, who isn’t involved  function better.”
                                                                                                   in the development.          TWO LONG WEEKS TO BREW
                                                                                                   Now  scientists  are  tackling  A DOSE
                                                                                                   a  tougher  next  step,  what  The  first  step  is  much  like
                                                                                                   Haining  calls  “the  acid  donating    blood.   When
                                                                                                   test”: Making T cells target  leukemia  patient  Claude
                                                                                                   far more common cancers  Bannick  entered  a  Hutch
                                                                                                   —  solid  tumors  like  lung,  CAR-T study in 2014, nurses
                                                                                                   breast  or  brain  cancer.  hooked him to a machine
                                                                                                   Cancer  kills  about  600,000  that  filtered  out  his  white
                                                                                                   Americans  a  year,  includ-  blood cells, including the T
                                                                                                   ing nearly 45,000 from leu-  cells. q
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