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A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r Page 8
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Democracy's appeal is slipping as nations across much of the
world hold elections, a poll finds
By NICHOLAS RICCARDI managing director of Pew's
Associated Press Global Attitudes research.
Representative democ- "There's a real disconnect
racy remains a favorite sys- between people and their
tem of governance around representatives."
the globe, but its appeal is Across the 24 countries —
slipping on the eve of elec- all democracies — a me-
tions in much of the world, dian of 74% said they don't
according to a survey of 24 believe elected officials
democratic countries by care what people like them
the Pew Research Center think. Only 10 of the 24 na-
released Wednesday. tional leaders on the survey
While a median of 77% had favorable ratings from
across the 24 surveyed half or more of the public.
countries said representa- But the alternatives were
tive democracy was a seen as even worse. Only
"good" system of govern- six opposition leaders got
ment, higher than any oth- favorable reviews, and a
er alternative, a median median of 42% of respond-
of 59% told pollsters they ents said no political party
were dissatisfied with how in their country represented
democracy was working in their viewpoint. People in
their own country. In the 22 the political center were Argentina's President Javier Milei speaks during the Conservative Political Action Conference,
countries where data was more likely to report not CPAC 2024, at the National Harbor, in Oxon Hill, Md., Saturday, Feb. 24, 2024.
available from 2017, the feeling like a party repre- Associated Press
last time Pew asked about sents their views.
democracy, the share de- The poll comes as the vember presidential elec- out court or legislative in- that country’s presiden-
scribing democracy as a world's democracies pre- tion in the United States. terference increased since tial election in November,
"very good" system was pare for a titanic year, The voting comes as sup- 2017. after the Pew survey work
down in half of them. with elections scheduled in port for more authoritarian Those countries included was completed earlier last
"People do like representa- more than 50 nations that forms of government are Brazil, Germany, Mexico, year. Overall, just under
tive democracy. But you represent half the world's on the rise. The Pew survey Kenya and Argentina, one-third typically backed
see here in lots of differ- population. That includes found that in eight of the where Javier Milei, a self- some sort of authoritarian
ent ways people are really Indian elections this spring, surveyed countries, support described “anarcho-capi- system across the surveyed
frustrated with how it's per- European Union-wide elec- for a “strong leader” who talist” whose supporters call countries.
forming," said Richard Wike, tions in June and the No- can make decisions with- him “the madman,” won Continued on next page