Page 13 - AHATA
P. 13
Thursday 29 February 2024 LOCAL
The 'Historical Route of Eagle' has been unveiled
Eagle neighborhood. In the early identified the visible sites in the Ea-
1920s, Aruba had two refineries. In gle area, as well as those no lon-
1924, Lago Oil & Transport Ltd was ger present, to create a historical
established, followed by De Arend route with the aim of reviving the
Petroleum Maatschappij in 1927. practically forgotten history of the
These two refineries played a sig- Eagle area. After several years of
nificant role in World War II as they hard work and perseverance, this
supplied oil to the allies. It was from beautiful project was realized with
the 'Arend' refinery that this neigh- financial assistance from Vfonds.
borhood got its name 'Eagle,' as The 'Eagle History Tour' project is of
well as our 'Eagle Beach.' utmost importance as it will illumi-
nate parts of our past, educate,
Minister Maduro shared a bit of his- and also honor the sacrifices made
tory: "This Eagle refinery employed during one of the darkest chapters
more than seven thousand work- in our history. It is not only about
ers from 58 different countries. In buildings and objects but also
this area, the refinery built a fac- about commemorating the victims
tory to refine oil, a laboratory, and of both World Wars.
a fire station. They also built their
headquarters, which is exactly the The story of the Eagle refinery,
building where we stand today." once a symbol of Aruba's industrial
The official also mentioned that power alongside Lago in San Nico-
the refinery built special houses for las, tells us about Aruba's develop-
refinery personnel, some houses in ment from its beginnings in 1924 to
the neighborhood, the Eagle ten- its dismantling in the fifties and six-
nis club, and the hospital that still ties, making way for tourism, which
stands there. until today is Aruba's most impor-
tant economic pillar.
Aruba played an important role in
World War II with these two refiner- The 'Eagle History Tour' project will
ies. Germany had its eyes on Aru- create a connection between
ba, and they sent a submarine to Aruba's history, industrial cultural
destroy these refineries to prevent heritage, and tourism, creating a
the allies from getting their fuel. The new attraction for our visitors while
submarine attacked the tanker Ar- educating locals and especially
kansas and killed several people, the younger generations about
including Bonerians. However, the Aruba's industrial history and the
submarine failed in its mission to important role of the Eagle refinery
destroy the refineries, thanks to our in the World Wars, as the official
On Friday night, Minister of Culture Ricardo Arends, which tells the sto- Lord God. emphasized in her speech. Further-
Xiomara Maduro had the plea- ry of the second refinery of Aruba, more, in the near future, plaques
sure of unveiling a cultural project, Arend Petroleum Company known According to the official, in 2018, will be placed at five different sites
the 'Historical Route of Eagle.' It is as Eagle Refinery, the Eagle neigh- she received an invitation from the with QR codes containing impor-
an initiative project by the Aruba borhood, and Aruba's important Aruba Monument Fund Founda- tant historical information in four
Monument Fund Foundation to- role for allies during World War II. tion for a presentation by a group different languages, as well as
gether with students from the Ho- of students from Hogeschool Rot- art objects and educational pro-
geschool van Rotterdam SUS Ate- On this occasion, Minister Maduro terdam, who, in just two weeks, grams.
lier, Glen Gorddijn, and student shared a bit of the history of the researched, inventoried, and
Aruba Tourism Authority honors loyal visitors at Playa Linda Hotel!
The Aruba Tourism Author- are as follows: Authority, and staff mem- Tourism Authority, we would continued visits to the “One
ity recently had the great bers of Playa Linda Hotel like to express our sincere Happy Island”.
pleasure of recognizing an Distinguished Visitor bestowed the honor certifi- gratitude and apprecia-
Emerald Ambassadors of (10>years consecutively cation to the honoree, pre- tion to the honoree for his
Aruba. These Ambassadors visiting Aruba) sented him with gifts, and
were respectively honored Goodwill Ambassador thanked him for choosing
with a certificate acknowl- (20>years consecutively Aruba as his favorite va-
edging his years of visits, visiting Aruba) cation destination, as his
loyalty, and love for the is- Emerald Ambassador home away from home.
land of Aruba. (35>years consecutively
visiting Aruba) Top reasons for returning
The honor certification is to Aruba, provided by the
presented on behalf of the The honoree was: honorees were:
Minister of Tourism as a to- • Aruba’s family feel-
ken of appreciation and Emerald Ambassador ing.
to say “Masha Danki” to Mr. Sidney Tobias & Mary • Aruba’s beaches.
guests who have visited Ann Tobias from New Jer- • Aruba’s weather.
Aruba 10, 20, or 35 years or sey, United States • Aruba’s restaurant.
more consecutively. • Aruba`s locals.
Mr. Jorgino Willems repre-
The three honoring levels senting the Aruba Tourism On behalf of the Aruba