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                                                                                                           local Wednesday 22 May 2024
              Play and Win Big at LIV Casino, Your Premier Gaming Destination in Aruba

               (Oranjestad)—Are  you  ready                                                                              “Experience the thrill of gaming
               for an exhilarating gaming ex-                                                                            like never before at LIV Casino,”
               perience? Look no further than                                                                            says Carlo Falconi, Casino Slots
               LIV Casino, situated at the lux-                                                                          Operation  Manager  “Whether
               urious  Barcelo  Aruba  resort.                                                                           you’re  chasing  the  jackpot  or
               Whether  you’re  a  seasoned                                                                              simply  seeking  an  evening  of
               gambler or a casual player, LIV                                                                           entertainment,  our  world-class
               Casino  offers  an  unmatched                                                                             facilities  and  exceptional  ser-
               atmosphere of excitement and                                                                              vice ensure that every visit is un-
               entertainment.                                                                                            forgettable.”
               With a total of 110 slot machines,                                                                        Don’t miss your chance to win
               LIV Casino boasts a diverse ar-                                        Exciting  news  for  our  patrons:   big and have a blast at LIV Ca-
               ray of gaming options to suit ev-                                      We’ve  recently  expanded  our     sino. Join us today and discov-
               ery  preference.  Among  these,                                        gaming  floor  to  include  sev-   er  why  we’re  Aruba’s  premier
               100  are  Dollar  machines,  and                                       eral  new  machines,  including    gaming destination.
               10 are Florin machines, catering                                       the  captivating  Light  n  Won-
               to the needs of both local and                                         der  Cosmic  cabinets  featuring   For more information, visit
               international  guests.  Recently   ment  throughout  the  day  and     the Ultimate Fire Link Cash Falls
               upgraded,  our  Florin  machine    into the night. Our table games     with the China Streets & Olvera
               area  now  welcomes  locals  to    are available for play from 4:30    Streets themes. With these addi-   About LIV Casino, Barceló Aru-
               enjoy their gaming experience      PM  until  closing,  ensuring  that   tions, there’s never been a bet-  ba:  LIV  Casino,  located  within
               using their local currency.        you  can  enjoy  your  favorite     ter  time  to  try  your  luck  at  LIV   the lavish Barceló Aruba resort,
               In addition to our extensive slot   games  whenever  the  mood         Casino.                            offers a premier gaming experi-
               selection, LIV Casino features a                                                                          ence on the stunning island of
               range  of  classic  table  games,                                                                         Aruba. With a wide range of slot
               including  Blackjack,  Roulette,                                                                          machines and table games, as
               and  Three  Card  Poker.  What’s                                                                          well as the allure of progressive
               more, each table offers its own                                                                           jackpots,  LIV  Casino  provides
               progressive jackpot, giving you                                                                           endless entertainment for both
               even more reasons to test your                                                                            novice  and  seasoned  players.
               luck.                                                                                                     The  casino  operates  from  11
               Operating from 11 AM to 3 AM,                                                                             AM to 3 AM, while table games
               LIV Casino provides ample op-                                                                             are  available  from  4:30  PM  till
               portunities  for  gaming  excite-                                                                         closing. q

            Prohibited by law: leaving the island                                                                Aruba to me

            with seashells, white sand or corals

            (Oranjestad)—Often  times,  the  customs  white sand and/or corals as souvenirs.
            department at the airport intercepts many
            tourists  leaving  the  island  with  seashells,  Conforming to the international treaty of
                                                       CITES  and  our  local  law  which  protects
                                                       our Flora & Fauna, it is absolutely prohib-
                                                       ited to take any seashell, sand and coral
                                                       outside of Aruba. This is to protect our en-
                                                       vironment.  The  high  number  of  seashells,
                                                       coral and amount of sand confiscated is
                                                       very  strange  and  it  is  suspected  that  our
                                                       own locals are the ones selling these to the
                                                       tourists, which is unacceptable.            ORANJESTAD — You are back or still enjoying your vaca-
                                                       Upon confiscation at the airport, you can   tion?...  we  would  like  to  portrait  you!  By  inviting  you  to
                                                       also face a fine that they have to pay be-  send us your favorite vacation picture while enjoying our
                                                       fore  leaving.  This  is  surely  not  a  pleasant   Happy Island.
                                                       experience  for  the  tourist.  This  also  leads
                                                       to a negative reaction which can put our    Complete the sentence: Aruba to me is ……. Send your
                                                       tourism in a negative light.                picture with that text (including your name and where you
                                                       Though  we  love  to  accommodate  our      are from) to: and we will publish
                                                       visitors,  let’s  all  give  nature  the  respect  it   your vacation memory. Isn’t that a special way to keep
                                                       deserves  by  protecting  our  environment.   your best moments alive? Please do note: By submitting
                                                       Stop collecting seashells, white sand and   photos, text or any other materials, you give permission to
                                                       corals from our shores and stop buying or   The Aruba Today Newspaper, Caribbean Speed Printers
                                                       accepting these from local sellers or com-  and any of its affiliated companies to use said materials,
                                                       panies.                                     as well as names, likeness, etc. for promotional purposes
                                                                                                   without compensation.
                                                       We want our future generations and visitors
                                                       to enjoy the beauty of our beaches, shells   Last but not least: check out our website, Instagram and
                                                       and  corals  in  a  sustainable  way,  without   Facebook page! Thank you for supporting our free news-
                                                       destroying  or  disrupting  the  Aruban  eco-  paper, we strive to make you a happy reader every day
                                                       system. Help us protect what is ours!q      again.q
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