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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 27 January 2018
            White House infrastructure plan may have some potholes

                                                                                                   been  waiting  to  see  what  Association  of  State  High-
                                                                                                   the  White  House  will  pro-  way  and  Transportation
                                                                                                   pose.  There  is  wide,  bipar-  Officials,  which  represents
                                                                                                   tisan  support  for  continu-  state  transportation  de-
                                                                                                   ing,  and  even  increasing,  partments. "A failure to ad-
                                                                                                   transportation   spending.  dress the long-term solven-
                                                                                                   But  most  lawmakers  have  cy of the (trust fund) could
                                                                                                   been  unwilling  so  far  to  mean a 40 percent drop in
                                                                                                   back  tax  increases  or  highway spending in 2021,"
                                                                                                   spending cuts to pay for it.  Wright  said.  "We're  hope-
                                                                                                   The  federal  government  is  ful  the  president  will  play
                                                                                                   currently  spending  $15  bil-  a  strong  leadership  role  in
                                                                                                   lion  a  year  more  than  the  addressing this challenge."
                                                                                                   Highway Trust Fund takes in  The U.S. Chamber of Com-
                                                                                                   through  gasoline  and  die-  merce  last  week  called
                                                                                                   sel  taxes.  Authorized  trust  for  a  25-cent,  phased-in
                                                                                                   fund  spending  for  the  cur-  increase  in  the  federal
                                                                                                   rent  federal  budget  year  gas  tax  to  shore  up  the
            Truck and automobile traffic mix on Interstate 5, headed north through Fife, Wash., near the Port of  that  ends  on  Sept.  30  is  trust  fund.  Congress  hasn't
            Tacoma. President Donald Trump’s plan to beef up the nation’s infrastructure will contain a crater-  about $56 billion. "Address-  passed a gas tax increase
            sized hole when it’s unveiled next month. The trust fund that pays for most federal highway and   ing  the  solvency  of  the  since  1993,  primarily  be-
            transit aid is forecast to go broke in about three years unless the government significantly scales   Highway  Trust  Fund  is  the  cause  being  associated
            back its transportation spending or comes up with more money.
                                                                           (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)  most  important  infrastruc-  with a highly visible tax hike
                                                                                                   ture issue facing us today,"  felt  by  most  Americans  is
            WASHINGTON (AP) — When  billion in federal dollars, re-   tions  haven't  yet  begun,  said Bud Wright, executive  viewed  by  many  lawmak-
            President Donald Trump un-   lying  instead  on  state  and  the official said.        director  of  the  American  ers as political poison. q
            veils his plan to beef up the  local governments and pri-  Republican  leaders  have
            nation's  infrastructure  plan  vate  investors  to  come  up
            next month, it will include a  with most of the rest of the
            crater-sized hole.           money.  The  administration
            The trust fund that pays for  views the plan as a supple-
            most  federal  highway  and  ment  to  current  infrastruc-
            transit aid is forecast to go  ture  spending.  The  mon-
            broke in about three years  ey  would  be  distributed
            unless the government sig-   through  new  types  of  pro-
            nificantly  scales  back  its  grams  that  are  designed
            transportation  spending  or  to  generate  greater  state
            comes up with more mon-      and local government and
            ey.  But  Trump's  infrastruc-  private  sector  spending.
            ture  plan  is  silent  on  the  Also,  there's  no  guarantee
            looming  problem,  an  ad-   how  much  of  the  money
            ministration  official  familiar  will  go  to  transportation
            with  the  plan  told  The  As-  projects  since  the  admin-
            sociated  Press.  The  official  istration is broadly defining
            wasn't authorized to speak  infrastructure as everything
            publicly  about  the  plan  from  building  water  treat-
            and spoke on condition of  ment  plants  to  expanding
            anonymity. Fulfilling a cam-  high-speed Internet access
            paign    promise,   Trump's  to rural areas.
            plan proposes to generate  The  administration  is  open
            $1  trillion  in  infrastructure  to working with Congress to
            spending over 10 years. But  address the trust fund later,
            the  plan  seeks  only  $200  although  those  conversa-

            Trump denies NY Times story

            that he ordered Mueller fired

            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     after  the  special  counsel
            dent  Donald  Trump  de-     was first appointed by Dep-
            manded  the  firing  of  spe-  uty  Attorney  General  Rod
            cial counsel Robert Mueller  Rosenstein.  Trump  pushed
            last June but backed down  back  against  the  report,
            after  White  House  lawyer  without   addressing   the
            Don  McGahn  threatened  specific  allegation,  as  he
            to  resign,  according  to  a  arrived Friday at the site of
            New York Times report that  the World Economic Forum
            Trump quickly dismissed Fri-  in Davos, Switzerland.
            day as "fake news."          “Fake  news,  folks.  Fake
            The  newspaper  reported  news.  Typical  New  York
            that   Trump   demanded  Times  fake  stories,”  Trump
            Mueller's  firing  just  weeks  told reporters. q
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