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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 27 January 2018

            Report calls for hog farm moratorium, new permit system

            By DAVID PITT                                                                                                       try but considers it good for
            Associated Press                                                                                                    farmers  and  good  for  the
            DES  MOINES,  Iowa  (AP)  —                                                                                         economy of Iowa, the na-
            A new report on the rapid                                                                                           tion’s leading pork produc-
            expansion  of  hog  farms                                                                                           er which had nearly 23 mil-
            in  Iowa  calls  for  a  mora-                                                                                      lion pigs as of the USDA De-
            torium  on  new  barns  and                                                                                         cember  inventory  report.
            concludes that the state’s                                                                                          That  was  nearly  a  quarter
            regulatory  system  is  failing                                                                                     of  the  national  supply  of
            to protect the environment                                                                                          73.2 million. The next closest
            and  public  health  for  the                                                                                       state  was  North  Carolina
            sake  of  profit  of  the  po-                                                                                      with 9.3 million hogs.
            litically  powerful  livestock                                                                                      “We  understand  there  are
            industry.  “A  tipping  point                                                                                       concerns out there and we
            has  been  reached.  Rural                                                                                          believe those concerns are
            Iowans have every reason                                                                                            being  addressed  by  the
            to be concerned,” said the                                                                                          current system understand-
            report  released  Thursday                                                                                          ing that others don’t,” said
            by retired University of Iowa                                                                                       Eldon  McAfee,  an  agricul-
            professors James Merchant                                                                                           ture law attorney who rep-
            and David Osterberg.                                                                                                resents  the  Iowa  Pork  Pro-
            Merchant     is   professor                                                                                         ducers Association.
            emeritus  of  Public  Health                                                                                        He  said  producers  believe
            and  Medicine  and  found-   A hog stands in a pen at a farm near Perry, Iowa. A new report released Thursday, Jan. 25, 2018, on   the  current  permit  system
                                         the rapid expansion of hog farms in Iowa concludes that the state’s regulatory system is failing to
            ed  the  College  of  Public   protect the environment and public health for the sake of profit of the politically powerful livestock   in  effect  for  16  years  has
            Health  and  Osterberg  is   industry.                                                                              worked  and  farmers  have
            professor emeritus of Occu-                                                            (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)  complied  with  its  require-
            pational  and  Environmen-   The  report  concludes  that  sustainable given its high in-  ommendations   including  ments  and  continue  to
            tal Health. He is co-founder   livestock  production  con-  put costs, rising energy de-  revision  of  the  permitting  be  held  responsible  when
            of the Iowa Policy Project,   tributes  to  degradation  of  mands,  fresh  water  needs,  process for new barns that  there  are  accidental  spills
            a liberal-leaning Iowa City-  water  quality,  increased  climate  change,  and  ad-   would  allow  for  increased  of  manure  into  creeks  or
            based nonprofit group that   cases of asthma and other  verse  environmental  and  local  input,  a  moratorium  streams.  On  the  health
            offers research on environ-  illnesses  among  residents  public  health  impacts,”  on  new  construction  and  claims,  McAfee  said  he
            mental, economic, energy     near hog confinement op-     the report concluded. “The  establishment of land cov-    knows  of  no  court  case
            and tax policies, which re-  erations and a 20 to 40 per-  very  real  pushback  from  enants  and  other  local  le-  where  it  has  been  prov-
            leased the report.           cent decline in the value of  rural residents and commu-  gal  strategies  to  limit  local  en  that  a  hog  farm  has
            They  point  out  that  the   homes near hog farms be-    nities will, however, be sus-  livestock barn growth.     been  proven  responsible
            number  of  Iowa  livestock   cause of the odor. “The cur-  tained.” Merchant and Os-  The pork industry acknowl-   for   causing   individual’s
            farms called concentrated    rent  industrial  model  is  not  terberg  made  several  rec-  edges growth in the indus-  illness.q
            animal feeding operations
            or  CAFOs  has  grown  to
            more than 10,000 from 722    Tale of 2 Bangors:
            in 2001. The annual growth
            or expanded barns a year  Same-named cities’ mayors make Super bet
            has been around 500 new
            for  the  last  decade.  Most
            of them are built to house   BANGOR,  Maine  (AP)  —  Mayor  Ben  Sprague,  of  shoes  and  is  popular  in  teams  in  this  year’s  Super
            pigs  to  satisfy  the  rapidly   A  pair  of  football-crazed  Maine,  is  placing  a  host  Pennsylvania. Beer, choco-  Bowl,  but  I  think  the  ones
            growing  export  market  for   communities  in  Pennsylva-  of  Maine-centric  items  on  late  and  coffee  are  also  from  New  England  will  be
            pork, which grew to nearly   nia and Maine are looking  the  line,  including  a  box  up  for  grabs.  The  mayors  celebrating   Super   Bowl
            $6 billion in 2016, up 7 per-  to get a bit more Bangor for  of  whoopee  pies,  a  blue-  are also engaged in some  night.” Bangor, Maine, is a
            cent in one year.            their buck out of the Super  berry  pie  and  a  collection  good-natured   taunting.  city of about 32,000 people
            Exports  to  the  China  and   Bowl game.                 of  books  by  local  resident  Kerzner  said:  Philadelphia  about  130  miles  north  of
            Hong  Kong  markets  broke   The  mayors  of  Bangor,  Stephen King.                   quarterback  “Nick  Foles  Portland.  It’s  the  third-larg-
            the  $1  billion  mark  for  the   Maine,  and  Bangor,  Penn-  Mayor  Brooke  Kerzner,  of  can soar like an Eagle even  est city in the state. Bangor,
            first  time  in  2016  and  ex-  sylvania,  said  Friday  they  Pennsylvania,  is  placing  when  he  is  surrounded  by  Pennsylvania, is a borough
            ports  are  expected  to  fur-  have  placed  a  wager  on  two  slate  boards  for  the  a  bunch  of  turkeys  from  of  about  5,000  residents
            ther  expand  to  meet  Chi-  the Feb. 4 game between  game  quoits,  pronounced  New England.” Sprague re-         not far from the New Jersey
            na’s insatiable appetite for   the  New  England  Patriots  like  “kwates,”  on  the  line.  sponded  that  there  might  state line. It’s about 90 miles
            pork.                        and Philadelphia Eagles.     Quoits  is  similar  to  horse-  be  “two  Bangors  and  two  north of Philadelphia.q
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