Page 31 - MIN ECEM
P. 31
Thursday 27 July 2017
Italian Television Program Recorded on Sunny Aruba
The program is broad- maintaining his focus on
casted by Rai3, part of the nature.
popular Rai Network in Italy It was an honor for the re-
that is available throughout sort to welcome these spe-
EAGLE BEACH - Amsterdam edelKilimangiaro’ which and Alessandro di Federi- Europe via cable network. cial guests who also filmed
Manor Beach Resort Aruba is an Italian television pro- co, were invited by Aruba The channel is countable on the hotel’s premises.
just recently hosted some gram about travelling and Tourism Authority Italy to for more than 25 million The restaurant Passions on
very special guests: a pro- tourism. Producers of the travel to our ‘One Happy watchers in Italy only. the Beach was actually
duction team of ‘AlleFald- program, Gloria Schiavi- Island’ and so they did. Gloria Schiaviis a freelance caught by a drone, as well
journalist with a Master in as the amazing sunset in
international journalism, front of the Amsterdam
achieved in London. She Manor Beach Resort and
is experienced in different not to forget the typical Fo-
production areas, adver- foti tree that is an icon on
tisement, cultural events that part of the beach.
and sports up to the Olym- The Honeymoon Suite of
pic Committee. the resort was captured
Alessandro di Federico is a with special attention and
documentarist who started was for that occasion
his career in nature pho- dressed up by in-house
tography and after that wedding planner Anne
entered the world of video, Maduro. q