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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
Pittsburgh synagogue gunman
has been sentenced to die in the
nation’s deadliest antisemitic attack
By P.Smith/M. Rubinkam ship and target people for
Associated Press practicing their faith.
PITTSBURGH (AP) — The “I have nothing specific
man who killed 11 congre- that I care to say to Mr.
gants at a Pittsburgh syna- Bowers,” Colville said from
gogue was formally sen- the bench. “I am however
tenced to death Thursday, convinced there is noth-
one day after a jury deter- ing I could say to him that
mined that capital pun- might be meaningful.”
ishment was appropriate Grieving families confront-
for the perpetrator of the ed Bowers in court before
deadliest attack on Jews in Colville pronounced the
U.S. history. sentence, describing the
U.S. District Judge Robert pain and suffering he had
Colville ordered death by inflicted, and calling him
lethal injection for Robert evil and cowardly.
Bowers, a 50-year-old truck A makeshift memorial stands outside the Tree of Life Synagogue in the aftermath of a deadly
driver whose vicious an- shooting in Pittsburgh, Oct. 29, 2018.
tisemitism led him to shoot Continued on Page 2 (AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File)
his way into a place of wor-