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Friday 4 august 2023 locAl
Delphi Watersports Wins 2023 Viator Experience Award
“Catamaran Dolphin Snorkeling Cruise: Open bar, Light Lunch” Recognized
Among Best in Top 20 for the Caribbean, Based on Exceptional Ratings & Reviews
family. Watersports, visit Delphi
Watersports - Tripadvisor
We will continue to strive You can also follow the
for excellence in every- conversation on Twitter
thing we do, from our and Instagram with the
personalized service hashtag #ViatorExperi-
to our commitment to enceAwards.
safety, to ensure that
our guests have an un- About Delphi Waters-
forgettable time aboard ports
our catamaran Dolphin We are a family business
snorkeling cruise. Thank that has been estab-
you to everyone who lished on Aruba since
has contributed to this 1992, and we have been
incredible achievement, awarded the TripAdvi-
and we look forward to sors prestigious Award of
welcoming you aboard Excellence, Hall of Fame
again soon!” Award, Travelers Choice
Award and Experience
Viator is the world’s larg- Award during the past 9
est travel experiences consecutive years.
marketplace with more
than 300,000 bookable We offer an unsurpass-
tours, activities, and ex- able variety of both
cursions. Now in its sec- water sports and activi-
ond year, the final rank- ties available on Aruba,
ings for the Viator Experi- specialized in giving
ence Awards are based excellent service to in-
on average review rat- dividuals, couples, fami-
ings, share of bookings lies, groups and all kinds
with a review, and num- of events. We make sure
ber of bookings on the that our customers have
Viator platform over a an unforgettable vaca-
12-month period (Jan- tion experience.
Dec 2022). Serving as
the hallmark of the best Delphi Watersports.
experiences to book, this Book with us now and Ex-
round of Viator Experi- perience the Difference!
ence Awards recognizes
220 experiences, tours, About Viator
Oranjestad – Delphi Watersports announced it has been recognized as a Viator Expe- and activities across 11 Viator, a Tripadvisor
rience Award winner for “Top 20 Best in Experience” for the Caribbean region. Despite geographic regions - company, makes it easy
a challenging few years for the travel industry, Delphi Watersports stood out to travel- ranking the top 20 win- to find and book unfor-
ers and provided an exceptional experience. ners per region. gettable tours, activities,
and excursions around
“We, at Delphi Watersports, are absolutely thrilled and deeply honored to have re- "No matter where you're the world. With more
ceived the prestigious Viator Experience Award for our phenomenal catamaran Dol- from or where you're go- than 300,000 experienc-
phin snorkeling cruise. This is a truly momentous achievement, and we couldn't be ing, one thing is clear– es to choose from there's
prouder of our team for their unwavering dedication and hard work. the hunger for unforget- always something new
table travel experiences to discover, both near
We firmly believe that our personalized, friendly service coupled with our commit- has never been great- and far from home.
ment to our customers' safety has played a significant role in making our catamaran er,” said Adam Lawless,
Dolphin snorkeling cruise such a resounding success. Our unique features and innova- Communications Direc- Your time off is precious
tive approach have also contributed to its massive popularity. But, we believe that tor, Viator. “What you do so we focus tirelessly on
the real secret to our success story lies in the exceptional professionalism, hospitality, and see while traveling quality, offering every-
and friendliness of our staff. They go above and beyond to ensure that every single tends to leave a lasting thing from simple tours
guest who steps aboard our catamaran feels welcomed and valued, creating an mark. We’re thrilled to to extreme adventures
unparalleled experience that is unmatched in the industry. have this award program (and all the niche, inter-
spotlight truly exception- esting stuff in between).
In addition, we must acknowledge the incredible support of our repeat guests who al tours, activities, and With ultimate flexibility,
have played a crucial role in making this achievement possible. Their loyalty and excursions from around award-winning customer
enthusiasm for our catamaran Dolphin snorkeling cruise have been a driving force the world that elevate support, and millions of
behind our success, and we are incredibly grateful for their continued patronage your travel experience- traveler reviews, you can
and trust in our services. -creating memories you truly do more with Viator.
Their valuable feedback and suggestions have helped us to constantly improve and won’t soon forget.”
refine our offerings, ensuring that we are always delivering the best possible experi- Viator. One app, 300,000+
ence for our guests. We are immensely proud of the relationships we have built with To see traveler reviews travel experiences you’ll
our repeat guests and are thrilled to have them as a part of our Delphi Watersports and to book with Delphi remember.q