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             Thursday 9 November 2017

            Loyal Guests Enno & Sybil Molder

            Honored at the Divi Village Resort

            DRUIF  BEACH  -  The  Aruba  at  their  home-away-from-   were presented to them by
            Tourism  Authority  is  proud  home. The symbolic honor-  the representative of Aruba
            to  present  the  commemo-   ary title is presented on be-  Tourism  Authority  Ms.  Dar-
            rative  Emerald  Coin  and  half of the Minister of Tour-  line  S.  de  Cuba  together
            Emerald  Certificate  to  Mr.  ism  and  Transportation  as  with Ms. Hilda Mills from the
            Enno and Mrs. Sybil Molder,  a token of appreciation to  Activities  Desk  at  the  Divi
            representing  35  years  of  the  guests  who  visit  Aruba  Village  Resort.  Top  reason
            continued  visits  to  our  is-  for 35-or-more consecutive  for  returning  provided  by
            land.                        years.  The  honorees  were  the honorees are the warm
                                         Mr.  Enno  and  Mrs.  Sybil  inviting  sun,  the  gracious
            Recently, Ms. Darline S. de  Molder  of  Connecticut,  treatment  from  everyone
            Cuba had the great plea-     celebrating 35 consecutive  on the island, the sea and
            sure to honor two loyal and  annual visits to Aruba!      the weather, and their best
            friendly  visitors  of  Aruba  The  certificate  and  com-  friends  in  Aruba,  Mr.  Mirto
            as  Emerald  Ambassadors  memorative  Emerald  Coin  and Mrs. Lienchi Croes.q
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