Page 14 - AHATA
P. 14
local Friday 20 december 2024
Aruba’s neighborhoods; the meaning behind their names
living on the island. In the name Tierra Del Sol, Span- historians believe is that
Arawak/Taino language ish for Land of the Sun. it comes from native de-
one can find the word The name is not an official scent, during the time in
Anaiboa, which consists of name, but the name of the the 19th century where
Ana meaning flower or the development proyect that Mestizos still lived on Aruba.
best and Iboa; the juice of took place. It is hoped that The name can’t really be
a cassava, which together the original and ‘old’ name explain and according to
would mean “the best juice of Anabui is never lost and books on its history seems
of a cassava”. now it will be remembered to be more of a sign of cor-
by both locals and tourists. ruption.
If one assumes that the ac-
tual word heard was Ana- Angochi However, it seems to come
boio instead, consisting of This name can be seen from combining A(n), which
Ana meaning the best and on the Werbata map with is a generalizing prefix and
Boio (bohio); house, the it- little and cursive letters. It is Goeiza, which means ‘the
eration of Anabui would the unofficial name for the spirit of a living man’. An-
Just like any other coun- hind it that gives it life and mean “the best house.” This area given by a tenant to gochi remains more of a
try, Aruba has unique and meaning. is the origin that has been the land that was rented to guess.q
beautifully named neigh- more or less speculated him.
borhoods that all form a Anabui/Tierra Del Sol and assumed for the word This neighborhood’s abbre-
part of its culture and de- This neighborhood can be Anabui and it’s meaning. The biggest probability that viation is; An.
velopment. Many of these seen on Van Raders map
names have a historical and Werbata as Anna During the second world
background and meaning Boei. Anna Boei is a name war and later, this area was
that teaches us about the of which there isn’t much used as a terrain for training
island and its rich culture information about its origin. of shooting by militia and
every day. latero n Korps Mariniers (the
The best historians were marines of Aruba). By the
With this series, we want able to deduce is that this end of the previous century
to take you on a journey name came to be be- a large part of Anabui was
of discovery, where you’ll cause of a miscommunica- developed to have luxuri-
learn not only the beautiful tion between Van Spengler ous villas and a golf course,
names but the history be- and the natives who were which lead to it getting the
Place names in San Nicolas and their origins
there are still underground remote area. As the story one account does support
shafts and passages deep goes, Pieter was well known this with the theory that the
in Sero Colorado from the and beloved for his kindness district was named after the
time of phosphate mining. In and good treatment of his saint by Spanish colonizers,
1958, the refinery at the time, employees, and was there- the other account is much
Lago, adopted this name for fore also called Vader Piet less divine, but does refer to
the residential section of its (Father Piet). However, he an influential figure in the
(Oranjestad)--If you’re ever employees. was tragically murdered— area.
taking a tour of Aruba, San Sero Colorado some speculate at the hands
Nicolas would definitely be On your way to Baby or Rog- Vader Piet of a slave. For his work and Nicolaas van der Biest was a
on your itinerary. From re- er’s Beach, you’ll pass by the Another well visited area, good heart, the area was successful landowner during
laxing on the white, sandy famous Red Anchor at what Vader Piet is located in the named after him. the time of the phosphate
beaches of Baby and Roger’s was once the entrance to Arikok National Park. Recog- boom in late 19th century
Beach, to exploring the pre- the Colony residential com- nizable sites within this area San Nicolas Aruba. Back then, landown-
historic caves of Quadirikiri munity and be greeted with includes the Wind Mills and Of course we can’t forget ers (most, if not all of them
and Fontein, you are tak- red soiled hills by the coast. the Quadirikiri Cave. The ori- San Nicolas itself. Much like men) were referred to as
ing in a full view of what This is Sero Colorado. Named gin of this name is part histori- Vader Piet, the origin of the “Shon” by their subordinates.
San Nicolas has to offer. But after the 30-meter, deep red, cal and speculation, as there name San Nicolas has so far So, the district was originally
did you know that you are limestone hill, “Sero Colora- are slight deviations from two different accounts. In the named after Shon Nicolaas.
also passing through areas do” translates to “Colored what actually happened. literal sense, “San Nicolas” Over time, the name evolved
whose names have histori- Hill”. Sero Colorado has deep translates to “Saint Nicolas”, into what is now San Nicolas.
cal origins? Here are a few historical ties with the once- In 1829, Pieter Lampe was a leading many to believe that
place names in San Nicolas thriving phosphate industry planter and the person re- this district was named af- Source: “Aruba: Short History”
and their origin story. in the area. Matter of fact, sponsible for governing this ter a Spanish saint. Though by Dr. J. Hartog.