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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 23 Februari 2022

                                            Putin gets OK to use force outside Russia

            (AP)  —  Russian  lawmak-    NATO and partially demili-   into Donbas would not itself
            ers on Tuesday authorized  tarizes. The West has decried  be a new step.”
            President  Vladimir  Pu-     the annexation of Crimea as
            tin  to  use  military  force  a  violation  of  international  The  administration  initially
            outside  the  country  —  a  law and has previously flatly  resisted  calling  the  deploy-
            move that could presage a  rejected permanently barring  ment  an  invasion  because
            broader attack on Ukraine  Ukraine from NATO.             the  White  House  wanted  to
            after the U.S. said an inva-                              see what Russia was actually
            sion  was  already  under-   Asked  whether  he  has  sent  going  to  do.  After  assessing
            way there.                   any  Russian  troops  into  Russian  troop  movements,
                                         Ukraine  and  how  far  they  it became clear it was a new
            Several European leaders said  could  go,  Putin  responded:  invasion, according to a U.S.
            Russian  troops  rolled  into  “I haven’t said that the troops  official  who  spoke  on  the
            rebel-held  areas  in  eastern  will go there right now.” He  condition  of  anonymity  to
            Ukraine  after  Putin  recog-  added coyly that “it’s impos-  discuss internal deliberations.
            nized  their  independence.  sible  to  forecast  a  specific
            But it was unclear how large  pattern  of  action  –-  it  will  For  weeks,  Western  powers
            the  deployment  was,  and  depend  on  a  concrete  situa-  have been bracing for this as  2014 — broad territories that  are on Ukrainian soil.”
            Ukraine  and  its  Western  al-  tion as it takes shape on the  Russia  massed  an  estimated  extend  far  beyond  the  areas
            lies  have  long  said  Russian  ground.”                 150,000 troops on three sides  now under separatist control  Poland’s  Defense  Ministry
            troops  were  fighting  in  the                           of  neighboring  Ukraine  —  and  that  include  the  major  and British Health Secretary
            region, allegations that Mos-  With  tensions  rising  and  a  and  promised  swift  and  se-  Azov  Sea  port  of  Mariupol.  Sajid  Javid  also  said  Russian
            cow always denied.           broader conflict looking ever  vere  sanctions  if  it  material-  He added, however, that the  forces  had  entered  eastern
                                         more likely, the White House  ized.  The  European  Union  rebels should eventually ne-  Ukraine,  with  Javid  telling
            Members  of  Russia’s  upper  began  referring  to  the  Rus-  and Britain announced Tues-  gotiate with Ukraine.   Sky News that “the invasion
            house, the Federation Coun-  sian  deployments  in  the  re-  day that some of those mea-                           of Ukraine has begun.”
            cil,  voted  unanimously  to  gion  known  as  the  Donbas  sures  were  coming  —  and  Condemnation from around
            allow  Putin  to  use  military  as an “invasion” after initially  more were expected from the  the world was quick. Ukrai-  Not all in Europe saw it that
            force outside the country —  hesitating to use the term —  U.S., too.                  nian  President  Volodymyr  way.  Spanish  Foreign  Min-
            effectively formalizing a Rus-  a red line that President Joe                          Zelenskyy  said  he  would  ister  José  Manuel  Albares
            sian  military  deployment  to  Biden  has  said  would  result  Western  leaders  have  long  consider breaking diplomatic  noted  “if  Russia  uses  force
            the  rebel  regions,  where  an  in  the  U.S.  levying  severe  warned Moscow would look  ties with Russia and Kyiv re-  against  Ukraine,  sanctions
            eight-year conflict has killed  sanctions  against  Moscow.  for  cover  to  invade  —  and  called its ambassador in Mos-  will be massive.”
            nearly 14,000 people.        He scheduled an address for  just  such  a  pretext  appeared  cow.
                                         later Tuesday.               to come Monday, when Pu-                                  The  Kremlin  hasn’t  con-
            Shortly  after,  Putin  laid  out                         tin  recognized  as  indepen-  But confusion over what ex-  firmed  any  troop  deploy-
            three  conditions  to  end  the  The  Biden  administration’s  dent  two  separatist  regions  actly was happening in east-  ments to the rebel east, saying
            crisis  that  has  threatened  to  rhetoric  hardened  consider-  in  eastern  Ukraine,  where  ern  Ukraine  threatened  to  it will depend on the security
            plunge Europe back into war,  ably  in  less  than  24  hours.  government   troops   have  hobble  a  Western  response.  situation.  Vladislav  Brig,  a
            raising  the  specter  of  mas-  The  White  House  an-   fought Russia-backed rebels.  While  Washington  clearly  member of the separatist lo-
            sive casualties, energy short-  nounced  limited  sanctions  The Kremlin then raised the  called  it  an  invasion,  some  cal  council  in  Donetsk,  told
            ages across the continent and  targeting  the  rebel-region  stakes  further  Tuesday,  by  other allies hedged.    reporters  that  the  Russian
            economic  chaos  around  the  Monday  evening  soon  after  saying  that  recognition  ex-                          troops already had moved in,
            globe.                       Putin  said  he  was  sending  tends even to the large parts  “Russian troops have entered  but  more  senior  rebel  lead-
                                         troops to eastern Ukraine. A  now held by Ukrainian forc-  in Donbas,” EU foreign pol-  ers didn’t confirm that. Late
            Putin  said  the  crisis  could  senior  Biden  administration  es.                    icy chief Josep Borrell said in  Monday, convoys of armored
            be  resolved  if  Kyiv  recog-  official, who briefed reporters                        Paris.  “We  consider  Donbas  vehicles  were  seen  rolling
            nizes  Russia’s  sovereignty  about the sanctions targeting  Putin said Russia has recog-  part of Ukraine.”        across  the  separatist-con-
            over  Crimea,  the  Black  Sea  the  breakaway region, noted  nized  the  rebel  regions’  in-                      trolled  territories.  It  wasn’t
            peninsula  that  Moscow  an-  “that  Russia  has  occupied  dependence  in  the  borders  But  he  added:  “I  wouldn’t  immediately  clear  if  they
            nexed from Ukraine in 2014,  these regions since 2014” and  that  existed  when  they  de-  say that (it is) a fully fledged  were Russian.
            renounces  its  bid  to  join  that “Russian troops moving  clared their independence in  invasion, but Russian troops

                         Bishops in Spain ask lawyers to audit their sex abuse record

            (AP)  —  A  Madrid-based  church,  the  law  firm  and  lishing  new  and  additional                               bate:  “It’s  not  easy  to  take  a
            law  firm  will  conduct  a  the head  of the country’s  channels  to  collaborate  and  He  said  his  firm  would  act  quick decision.”
            year-long  inquiry  into  bishops’  conference  said  denounce in addition to those  pro-bono  and  only  seek  for
            past  and  present  sexu-    Tuesday.                     existing in over 40 offices es-  the Episcopal Conference to  Cremades  and  Omella  pre-
            al  abuse  committed  by                                  tablished by the Church.”    pay logistical costs or the fees  sented  the  law  firm’s  inves-
            Spain’s  Roman  Catholic  The  public  announcement                                    of external advisors.        tigation as an external audit.
            clergy,  members  of  reli-  marked  a  departure  from  The  inquiry  is  intended  to                             Cremades  said  he  wants  to
            gious orders, teachers and  the  previous  position  of  the  cover all abuse and is not lim-  Although  some  bishops  and  coordinate  with  Spanish  au-
            others associated with the  Spanish  Episcopal  Confer-   ited to investigating only cas-  religious orders had said they  thorities,  who  are  consider-
                                         ence, which for years rejected  es in a certain time period, ac-  were open to an inquest, the  ing  an  investigation  of  their
                                         the idea of taking a compre-  cording  to  Javier  Cremades,  Spanish  Episcopal  Confer-  own.
                                         hensive  approach  to  investi-  the law firm’s founder.  ence  previously  rejected  a
                                         gating sex abuse. Some abuse                              comprehensive investigation,  Spanish  lawmakers  are  ex-
                                         survivors met the news with  Cremades  said,  as  a  faith-  instead  encouraging  victims  pected  to  vote  in  March  on
                                         skepticism.                  ful Catholic himself, he was  to report their allegations to  the terms of a parliamentary
                                                                      both  overwhelmed  by  the  diocesan offices.             investigation into the depths
                                         Cardinal  Juan  José  Omella,  task and “convinced that the                            of the sexual abuse commit-
                                         the  conference’s  president,  Church must go to the end,  Asked  by  The  Associated  ted  by  Catholic  clergy.  The
                                         said the goal of the inquiry by  get to the bottom, investigate,  Press about the change in ap-  Spanish  government  has
                                         law firm Cremades & Calvo  beg for pardon, if it’s needed,  proach, Omella said that the  proposed  having  the  coun-
                                         Sotelo “is the help and repa-  and rectify everything that is  audit  was  the  result  of  long  try’s  ombudsman  lead  that
                                         ration  of  the  victims,  estab-  necessary.”            reflection  and  internal  de-  inquiry.
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