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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 25 June 2020
            U.S. inmates got virus relief checks, and IRS wants them back

            Continued from Front                                                                                                check  for  someone,  the
                                                                                                                                person  in  prison  is  not  the
             “It’s not a rule just because                                                                                      only one who benefits from
            the IRS puts it on the web-                                                                                         that,” Bertram said.
            site. In fact, the IRS actually                                                                                     Intercepting  relief  checks
            says  that  stuff  on  its  web-                                                                                    may  also  have  a  dispro-
            site isn’t legal authority. So                                                                                      portionate impact on Black
            there’s no actual rule — it’s                                                                                       and    Hispanic   inmates,
            just  guidance  —  and  that                                                                                        who  are  incarcerated  at
            guidance  can  change  at                                                                                           a  higher  rate  than  white
            any time.”                                                                                                          Americans.  Black  people
            After  Congress  passed  the                                                                                        are  imprisoned  at  roughly
            $2.2  trillion  coronavirus  res-                                                                                   twice  the  rate  of  Hispanic
            cue  package  in  March,                                                                                            residents,  and  more  than
            checks of up to $1,200 were                                                                                         five times the rate of whites
            automatically  sent  in  most                                                                                       as  of  last  year,  according
            cases  to  people  who  filed                                                                                       to  the  U.S.  Department  of
            income tax returns for 2018                                                                                         Justice’s  Bureau  of  Justice
            or  2019,  including  some                                                                                          Statistics.
            who  are  incarcerated.  A                                                                                          Prison  officials  nationwide
            couple  of  weeks  later,  the                                                                                      have  been  trying  to  in-
            IRS  directed  state  correc-                                                                                       tercept  the  checks,  with
            tion  departments  to  inter-                                                                                       varying  results.  Officials  in
            cept payments to prisoners   In this Jan. 30, 2018, file photo, inmates walk across the grounds of the Idaho State Correctional   Vermont,  Mississippi,  Penn-
            and return them.             Institution in Kuna, Idaho.                                           Associated Press  sylvania, Arizona and Cali-
            The  IRS  doesn’t  yet  have                                                                                        fornia  estimated  that  they
            numbers  on  how  many  citing  an  IRS  request  for  tion. She says prison officials  Lockdowns  can  increase  each  had  intercepted  fe-
            payments  went  to  priso-   confidentiality.    While  the  are  accustomed  to  inter-  expenses  for  inmates  be-  wer  than  a  dozen  checks
            ners,  Smith  said.  But  ini-  IRS  says  checks  sent  to  jail  cepting  tax  documents  to  cause they are often given  as  of  early  June.  Oregon
            tial  data  from  some  states  inmates  also  should  be  re-  screen for potential scams,  lower-quality food or fewer  prison  officials  had  seized
            suggest  the  numbers  are  turned,  the  sheer  number  priming them to follow this  meals  and  need  to  sup-    25  payments,  with  21  re-
            huge:  The  Kansas  Depart-  of jails and detention cen-  request.  “It  appears  that  plement  by  buying  food  turned  to  the  IRS  and  four
            ment  of  Correction  alone  ters  across  the  U.S.  makes  the  IRS  is  just  making  this  from  prison  commissaries.  others given to relatives or
            intercepted    more   than  it difficult to tell if many are  up,” Bertram said.       Family  and  friends  on  the  other joint tax filers.
            $200,000 in checks by early  following those instructions.   Inmates  and  their  families  outside  often  cover  those  Kaitlin  Felsted,  a  spokes-
            June. Idaho and Montana  The IRS seems to have de-        need the money, she said,  costs, and many have lost  woman for the Utah prison
            combined had seized over  cided by itself to pull back  especially  as  prisons  try  to  jobs  during  the  economic  system,  said  the  state  had
            $90,000.  Washington state,  the payments approved by  reduce  the  spread  of  the  downturn, Bertram said.        intercepted  28  checks  so
            meanwhile, had only inter-   Congress, said Wanda Ber-    virus  by  instituting  lock-  “Loved ones right now are  far  but  noted  that  any  re-
            cepted  about  $23,000  by  tram,  a  spokeswoman  for  down  conditions  or  relea-   also  under  a  squeeze  be-  lief money sent to an inma-
            early  June.  Some  states,  the Prison Policy Initiative, a  sing  thousands  of  inmates  cause  of  the  pandemic  te’s  home  address  would-
            like  Nevada,  have  refused  think  tank  focusing  on  the  who are then trying to get  and being out of a job, so  n’t  be  touched  by  prison
            to  release  the  numbers,  harm  of  mass  incarcera-    back on their feet.          when  you  send  a  stimulus  officials.q

            Twitter bans pro-Trump meme maker for copyright violations

            By DAVID KLEPPER             Cook  doctored  the  clip,  for a reason to boot him.
            Associated Press             set it to ominous music, and  "They didn't like my politics,
            A  conservative  social  me-  inserted  a  fake  misspelled  they  found  an  excuse  to
            dia  user  whose  far-right  CNN  caption  reading  "Ter-  get rid of me," he said.
            memes have been praised  rified todler runs from racist  Cook's  account  has  been
            and reposted by President  baby," then a clip from the  temporarily       suspended
            Donald  Trump  has  been  original video before show-     multiple  times  in  the  past
            kicked  off  Twitter  for  re-  ing  the  message  "America  for  violations  of  Twitter's
            peated  copyright  viola-    is  not  the  problem.  Fake  copyright rules. He was also
            tions.                       news is the problem."        suspended  for  eight  days
            Logan Cook, a Kansas man  Twitter later placed a "ma-     last year for posting a video
            who posts under the name  nipulated  media"  warn-        depicting Trump as a cow-
            Carpe  Donktum,  was  per-   ing  label  on  the  clip.  It  boy attacking CNN journal-
            manently banned from the  was  originally  posted  last  ist Jim Acosta.
            platform  Tuesday  night,  year  but  received  signifi-  Twitter  rules  prohibit  Cook
            days after he posted a vid-  cantly more attention after  from  creating  a  new  ac-  This April 26, 2017, file photo shows the Twitter app icon on a
            eo criticizing CNN that used  Trump's retweet.            count  to  replace  the  old   mobile phone in Philadelphia.
            doctored footage from the  Cook,  who  also  posts  his  one, which had more than                                              Associated Press
            news channel.                work  to  other  platforms  270,000  followers  at  the
            The  clip,  which  Trump  and  websites,  said  in  an  time of the suspension.        condemn  journalists  and  Trump has himself run afoul
            retweeted last week, used  interview that his posts are  Trump    often   retweeted  those  who  have  criticized  of  Twitter's  rules.  In  March
            footage  from  a  CNN  story  satirical  and  are  therefore  Cook,  who  had  emerged  the president. Trump called  the  platform  placed  the
            from  last  year  about  the  exempt   from   copyright  as  a  prominent  creator  Cook  a  "genius"  during  a  "manipulated media" warn-
            friendship  of  two  toddlers,  rules.  He  said  he  believes  of  right-wing  memes  that  meeting  last  year  at  the  ing on a video of Joe Biden
            one  Black  and  one  white.  Twitter  was  simply  looking  uses  humor,  often  dark,  to  White House.           shared by Trump. q
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