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                    Thursday 25 June 2020
            Amnesty says spyware used to monitor critics in Morocco

            By AMIRA EL-MASAITI                                                                                                 dissidents.  It  doesn't  dis-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    close  clients,  but  they  are
            RABAT,  Morocco  (AP)  —                                                                                            believed to include Middle
            Amnesty  International  said                                                                                        Eastern and Latin American
            Monday  that  sophisticat-                                                                                          states. A Saudi dissident has
            ed  telephone  surveillance                                                                                         accused  NSO  of  involve-
            software  appears  to  have                                                                                         ment in Saudi journalist Ja-
            been used to spy on a jour-                                                                                         mal  Khashoggi's  killing  in
            nalist-activist  in  Morocco,                                                                                       2018.  The  company  says  it
            in a continuing crackdown                                                                                           sells its technology to Israe-
            on dissent in the North Afri-                                                                                       li-approved  governments
            can kingdom.                                                                                                        to help them stop militants
            The global rights watchdog                                                                                          and criminals.
            said the intrusion continued                                                                                        The  company  is  also  em-
            despite a pledge by the Is-                                                                                         broiled in legal battles over
            raeli  company  behind  the                                                                                         the spyware. In Israel, Am-
            malware to abide by a set                                                                                           nesty is asking a court  to re-
            of human rights principles.                                                                                         voke the company's export
            In  a  report,  Amnesty  said                                                                                       license,  preventing  it  from
            forensic  analysis  it  car-                                                                                        selling its contentious prod-
            ried  out  on  the  cellphone                                                                                       uct abroad, particularly  to
            of  Omar  Radi  indicated                                                                                           regimes  that  could  use  it
            that  his  communications                                                                                           for malicious purposes. Last
            were  monitored  from  Jan-  In this March 5, 2020 file photo, journalist and activist Omar Radi speaks to the media after his   year,    Facebook  sued  the
            uary  2019  using  technol-  hearing at the Casablanca Courthouse, In Casablanca, Morocco.         Associated Press  company  in  U.S.  federal
            ogy  developed  by  Israeli                                                                                         court  for  allegedly  target-
            hacker-for-hire   company  leaders.  Radi  was  handed  Amnesty  said  the  surveil-   defenders, we believe Mo-    ing  some  1,400  users  of  its
            NSO  Group.  Radi  gained  a  four-month  suspended  lance  methods  it  believes  roccan authorities to be re-     encrypted  messaging  ser-
            prominence last year after  jail  sentence  and  a  $50  were used to spy on Radi's  sponsible," Amnesty said.      vice WhatsApp with highly
            he was arrested for a tweet  fine.                        phone "require either physi-  A  government  spokesman  sophisticated spyware.
            that  defended  anti-gov-    Radi was also part of Arab  cal proximity to the targets  and the government's cen-    Amid  the  backlash,  the
            ernment protesters.          Spring  demonstrations  in  or  leverage  over  mobile  ter that monitors IT attacks  company  said  in  Septem-
            Radi   was    subsequently  Morocco  in  2011  that  pro-  operators  in  the  country  did  not  immediately  re-  ber that it would institute a
            put  on  trial  in  March    this  tested  corruption,  abuse  which  only  a  government  spond to requests for com-  series of oversight measures
            year,  accused  of  insulting  of power and limits on free  could authorize."          ment.  NSO has come under  to  ensure  adherence  and
            a judge with his tweet that  speech,  and  he  has  since  "Because  of  this,  and  the  fire for selling its surveillance  would henceforth evaluate
            slammed  prison  sentences  continued  to  defend  hu-    continued    targeting   of  software to repressive gov-  potential  clients'  "past  hu-
            handed  down  to  protest  man rights.                    Moroccan  human  rights  ernments that use it against  man rights performance."q

            First vaccinations begin in Africa for COVID-19 trial

                                                                      deaths.  The  country  late  gasong  said  Wednesday,  Health Minister Zweli Mkhize
                                                                      Tuesday  reported  its  big-  with  a  steep  increase  in  said.
                                                                      gest one-day death toll of  the  number  of  cases  and  African leaders have been
                                                                      111.                         deaths.                      outspoken about the conti-
                                                                      "I feel a little bit scared but I  "Unless we act now, Africa  nent being elbowed out in
                                                                      want to know what is going  is at risk of being left behind  the intense global compe-
                                                                      on with this vaccine so that  on the global vaccine," he  tition  for  medical  supplies
                                                                      I  can  tell  my  friends  and  warned  a  continental  dis-  in  this  pandemic,  as  well
                                                                      others what is going on with  cussion and urged that lo-  as  what  the  World  Health
                                                                      the study," one of the vac-  cal manufacturing and sci-   Organization's Africa chief,
                                                                      cine  trial  volunteers,  Junior  entific expertise play a key  Matshidiso  Moeti,  called
                                                                      Mhlongo, said in Johannes-   role.                        the "distortion of the global
                                                                      burg.                        Cameroon,  Uganda,  Tan-     market for key items."
                                                                      The African continent now  zania,  Kenya  and  South  WHO  chief  Tedros  Adha-
                                                                      has nearly 325,000 cases as  Africa  all  have  highly  de-  nom  Ghebreyesus  urged

            A  vaccine  volunteer  gets  an  injection  at  the  Chris  Hani   countries loosen restrictions  veloped  clinical  trial  ca-  that  the  initial  supply  of
            Baragwanath  hospital  in  Soweto,  Johannesburg  Wednesday,   under  economic  pressure  pabilities,  said  Salim  Ab-  any COVID-19 vaccine be
            June 24, 2020.                                            from  citizens  who  say  they  dool  Karim,  chair  of  South  deployed  where  it's  most
                                                     Associated Press  have to feed their families.  Africa's  ministerial  advisory  needed, rather than based
                                                                      Shortages  of  testing  mate-  committee for COVID-19.    on the "ability to pay."
            By CARA ANNA                 behind.    The  large-scale  rials  and  medical  supplies  Many  other  sub-Saharan  Tedros  also  announced
            Associated Press             trial  of  the  vaccine  devel-  remain a problem as Africa  African countries also have  that as of this week, all 54 of
            JOHANNESBURG (AP) — Af-      oped  at  the  University  of  could  become  the  world's  clinical  trial  capacity,  said  Africa's countries now have
            rica's  first  participation  in  Oxford  in  Britain  is  being  next hot spot.       Daniel  Bausch,  director  of  the lab capacity to test for
            a  COVID-19  vaccine  trial  conducted in South Africa,  The  pandemic  was  de-       the UK Public Health Rapid  the coronavirus.
            started Wednesday as ner-    Britain and Brazil. South Af-  layed in Africa "but is pick-  Support Team.            In February, just two African
            vous  volunteers  received  rica has nearly one-third of  ing  up  speed  very  quick-  "We're  not  only  needing  nations could test for the vi-
            injections,  while  officials  Africa's  confirmed  cases  ly,"  the  Africa  Centers  for  but  capable  of  participat-  rus. The continent's first virus
            said the continent of 1.3 bil-  with  more  than  106,000,  Disease  Control  and  Pre-  ing"  as  the  world  races  for  case was reported on Feb.
            lion people cannot be left  including  more  than  2,100  vention  chief  John  Nken-  a  vaccine,  South  Africa's  14.q
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