Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200625
P. 31

locAl           Thursday 25 June 2020

            California Lighthouse open to visitors again

            NOORD — The California Lighthouse is ready to welcome
            you again. From March on the Lighthouse was closed due
            to the COVID-19 crisis.

            For now visitors are allowed again in the weekends on Sat-
            urday and Sunday between 10am to 5pm. In the month
            of July it will be evaluated whether the opening hours will
            be  expanded.  The  necessary  measures  with  regards  to
            hygiene and social distancing are being taken seriously
            and the Lighthouse has been intensively cleaned before
            the re-opening including the disinfection of the outside
            entrance  area.  Hand  sanitizing  is  available  and  floor
            stickers indicate the social distancing. The Lighthouse has
            been approved by the Health & Happiness Code which
            is the formal seal from the Aruba Tourism Authority mean-
            ing that you meet all requirements in order to keep your
            visitors safe and healthy. q

               Guard Ship HNLMS Groningen left

               for the Caribbean

                                                                                                     Aruba Airport disinfected

                                                                                                    in the run-up to reopening

               DEN  HELDER,  NETHERLANDS  —  HNLMS  of maritime borders. In addition to pre-
               Groningen  departed  from  Den  Helder  venting illegal drug transports, they also
               (the Netherlands) on June 24 to resume  prevented  landings  of  undocumented       ORANJESTAD — Although the airport is already slowly re-
                                                                                                   ceiving flights from Curacao and Bonaire, the opening for
               her task as Guard Ship in the Caribbean.  migrants,  thereby  preventing  possible
                                                       corona infections on the islands. After a   flights from the US is becoming the real litmus test. Last
               The  OPV  (ocean-going  patrol  vessel)  good transfer in the area, HNLMS Zee-      weekend, the Aruba airport has worked hard on a thor-
               had to return temporarily to the Nether-  land  will  sail  back  to  the  Netherlands.   ough cleaning, leading up to the further opening of the
                                                                                                   airport on July 1.
               lands  due  to  necessary  maintenance.  They  have  completed  a  four-month
               Due to the corona-disease, the mainte-  journey.q                                   The  airport  was  assisted  by  a  team  of  volunteers  from
               nance personnel was unable to fly into
               the area. HNLMS Groningen is running a                                              the cruise and training ship The Freewinds, from the un-
                                                                                                   disputed  Scientology  movement.  Angeline  Flemming,
               pilot in which the naval vessel remains in
               the region, but the personnel changes.                                              Director  of  Safety,  Security  and  Compliance  at  the  air-
                                                                                                   port expressed her appreciation for the Freewinds volun-

               HNLMS Zeeland, also no stranger to the                                              teers who completed the job together with the local fire
                                                                                                   brigade. “This is not something you can do alone. I think
               region,  has  sailed  as  a  Guard  Ship  in
               recent  months.  They  have  conducted                                              it's great that people come together and do their bit to
                                                                                                   make  public  buildings  safe,”says  Flemming.  The  Aruba
               various patrols for both Defense and the
               Dutch  Caribbean  Coast  Guard.  In  this                                           Airport Authority (AAA) hopes to receive flights from Eu-
                                                                                                   rope from July 1st and from  the United States and Cana-
               way  they  contribute  to  the  protection
                                                                                                   da from July 10. Text and picture:
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