Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20200625
P. 32

a32    local
                    Thursday 25 June 2020

            Staff Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort collected a lot of waste at Hooiberg

                                                                                                                                with this slogan.”

                                                                                                                                Let’s be proud of our island
                                                                                                                                Despite  the  efforts  of  the
                                                                                                                                team  to  clean  up  the
                                                                                                                                area as much as possible it
                                                                                                                                would  not  mean  anything
                                                                                                                                if  people  continue  leaving
                                                                                                                                trash behind. Bucuti & Tara
                                                                                                                                Beach Resort appeal to the
                                                                                                                                public to keep public plac-
                                                                                                                                es clean and also ask other
                                                                                                                                local  companies  to  take
                                                                                                                                their  community  responsi-
                                                                                                                                bility and clean up areas of
                                                                                                                                Aruba. Let us demonstrate
                                                                                                                                that we are proud of our is-
                                                                                                                                land. If you are interested in
                                                                                                                                participate as a company,
                                                                                                                                please  contact  Nathaly
            EAGLE  BEACH  —    Bucuti  &  of Aruba. They were heart-  ies  when  Aruba  was  fac-  dio and other media chan-    Stanley, Sustainability Man-
            Tara  Beach  Resort  and  its  broken  by  the  amount  of  ing  a  growing  population,  nels. We also printed T-shirts  ager of the resort. q
            team  continue  with  their  waste  they  encountered.  but on a smaller scale, the
            weekly clean up actions in  “There  was  trash  all  over  island was confronted with
            different areas of the island.  the  place,”  owner  Ewald  the  same  situation.  There
            Recently they did a make-    Biemans  said  with  a  sad  was waste everywhere you
            over  of  the  Hooiberg  and  tone  in  his  voice.  “Our  ef-  went. Outside of the fences
            apparently that was no un-   forts  lasted  for  90  minutes  of houses, on the beaches
            necessary luxury. About 45  only  simply  because  we  and  other  public  places.
            staff members of the resort  were  out  of  disposal  bags  “Our  intention  with  these
            cleaned  out  the  area  and  and the truck was full. It felt  clean-ups at that time was
            filled  a  truck  with  all  the  quite  unsatisfied  because  to create a sense of nation-
            waste that was collected.    there  was  so  much  more  al  pride  for  our  island  that
                                         waste to collect.”           is why we called the cam-
            It certainly was a rewarding                              paign  “Aruba  is  Mine”,”
            job  for  the  employees  of  Reboot of “Aruba is Mine” is  as  Biemans  explains.  “The
            the resort to make a differ-  needed                      message of this campaign
            ence  for  this  beautiful  site  In the beginning of the 80-  was spread out through ra-

              It’s A Wrap                                    liver a technical perfect result, moreover moti-
                                                             vate with the content and topic as well as the
                                                             good energy coming from it.”
              ORANJESTAD — Aruba Today created a video
              series: ‘Ask Pilar’ which is to be found on Face-  The team
              book Aruba Today and on our website www.       Pilar Flores, 33 years old, is the jolly Video Host
     Let us introduce to you this   of ‘Ask Pilar’. She loves doing the videos be-
              project and the people behind it.              cause she gets to meet a lot of nice people
                                                             and to know many interesting places. “I hope
              Why  a  video?  Besides  our  daily  printed  free   with it that people will get to know and love
              newspaper,  our  posts  on  Facebook  and  Ins-  Aruba the way us locals do.” Flores is Execu-
              tagram and our website content we started      tive Editor at Bon Dia Newspaper, Aruba To-    and  I  find  it  very  therapeutic  to  put  every-
              evaluating the plans for short video’s about a   day’s sister, where she is fond of being up to  thing aside and work on this piece of metal
              year ago. The concept was created by Editor-   date  on  all  current  happenings  and  events  that helps me move long distances.” Juan Luis
              in-Chief  Linda  Reijnders  to  add  variation  to   and having the inside information. She has a  loves  to  capture  moments  with  his  camera
              the  product  Aruba  Today.  “There  is  more  to   Bachelor of Theology, achieved in Aberdeen,  and edit them into a dynamic video.
              this island than palm trees and beaches and    Scotland  and  a  Masters  of  Applied  Ethics  in  Video  Director  of  ‘Ask  Pilar’  is  Editor-in-Chief
              in our videos we wish to inform and educate    Utrecht, The Netherlands. “In my leisure time  Linda Reijnders, working in this current position
              the visitor by showing local places of any kind.   I like to walk in Arikok National park, play with  since  July  2017  and  before  that  for  six  years
              We are all new to this, the goal is not to de-  my three cats, color and spend time with my  with  the  local  Dutch  newspaper  Amigoe  di
                                                             boyfriend.”                                    Aruba as a journalist and Editor-in-Chief of the
                                                             The one capturing the images with his camera  magazine H&H. “I love working in the media,
                                                             and edit them into the end result is our Vid-  I  love  to  write,  create,  connect,  inform  and
                                                             eographer  Juan  Luis  Pinto  Sotter,  Marketing  educate.  Working  with  young,  talented  and
                                                             Major at the University of Aruba. “I chose mar-  motivated people like Juan Luis and Pilar is a
                                                             keting because I wanted a career that kept  blessing to me. We really enjoy making these
                                                             me  physically  and  mentally  active.  As  a  ju-  Aruba Peeks and we for sure hope that rubs
                                                             nior marketer there is a lot of moving around,  off to the viewer.”
                                                             I can’t begin to imagine what the real world  Check  us  out  on  Facebook  Aruba  Today  or
                                                             will be like.” His hobbies include photography,  the  website  and  do
                                                             gaming, and working on his car. “I am not a  not forget to like and share! Thank you for your
                                                             car mechanic, however YouTube helps a lot  support. q
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