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                     Saturday 30 July 2022

            Aruba for the first time in                                 DCNA Junior Ranger Exchange Event 2022

            America’s Got Talent

            Oranjestad  –  On  July  26,  gary. In January 2021, RCC    The  Dutch  Caribbean  Nature  Alliance  Building Resilience
            2022,  the  acrobatic  group  Aruba  participated  in  the   (DCNA) is excited to announce the 2022  The  theme  of  this  year’s  event  is  Eco-
            RCC  Aruba  auditioned  for  world-renowned  Budapest       Junior  Ranger  Exchange  event,  which  system Services and How They Supports
            the  famous  television  pro-  Circus Festival’ in Hungary,   will  be  held  on  St.  Eustatius  between  Us  All.    As  small  islands,  the  Dutch  Ca-
            gram America’s Got Talent  where RCC Aruba won the          July 30th and August 5th.  Junior Rang-  ribbean will be forced to face some of
            (AGT).                       third  and  a  special  prize.   ers from Aruba, Bonaire, Saba, St. Eusta-  the  most  significant  impacts  of  climate
                                         According  to  Minister  Xio-
            It  was  the  first  time  that  mara Maduro, RCC repre-    tius, and St. Maarten will come together  change.  Protecting  and  improving  the
                                                                        to learn all about the unique biodiversity  local  ecosystem  services  available  to
            Aruba  participated  in  this  sents Aruba with pride and   within the Dutch Caribbean, and work to  each island will help build resilience and
            program.                     much love.
                                                                        develop  positive,  cooperative  and  so-  ensure  each  island  is  capable  of  flour-
                                                                        cial skills.                             ishing  for  the  next  generation.  During
            Who is RCC Aruba?            Since their tour in Budapest,                                           this  event  Junior  Rangers  will  develop
            RCC  Aruba  consists  of  they  received  numerous          Island Collaboration                     awareness  of  each  island’s  key  flora
            dancers  from  Aruba  and  contracts  to  perform  with     This  annual  event  helps  build  commu-  and fauna, learn about the importance
            acrobats  from  Colombia,  world-renowned circuses.         nity  and  collaboration  between  the  of biodiversity and its preservation in re-
            Cuba, and Venezuela who                                     Dutch Caribbean islands by supporting  sponse to climate change and explore
            made  Aruba  their  new  They are currently perform-        the  next  generation  of  nature-minded  different links between humans and na-
            home and have been per-      ing  in  the  Summer  Circus   citizens.    Each  year,  two  junior  rangers  ture.
            forming since 2010 at vari-  &  Water  Spectacular  of      between the ages of 10 and 13 are in-
            ous hotels.                  the  Hippodrome  Circus  in    vited to come together and share what  This program is funded by Prins Bernhard
                                         London, England, a unique
            RCC Aruba has been pro-      venue  with  a  stage  sur-    they’ve  learned  about  the  nature  on  Cultuur  Fonds,  the  World  Wildlife  Fund
                                                                                                                 (WWF-NL). DCNA’s activities are gener-
                                                                        their islands.
            moting  Aruba  for  a  while  rounded by water. They will                                            ously funded by the National Postcode
            now on international stag-   also tour England and per-     Participating  organizations  this  year  in-  Lottery. Island sponsors Azure Beach Ho-
            es.                          form in Italy in September,    clude  Fundacion  Parke  Nacional  Aru-  tel in St. Maarten, Winair, and Dominoes
                                         followed by a performance      ba,  Stinapa  Bonaire,  Saba  Conserva-  Pizza  have  also  graciously  donated  to
            In  2019  RCC  Aruba  em-    in France in October.          tion  Foundation,  Stenapa  St.  Eustatius,  this event.
            barked  on  its  international                              and Nature Foundation St. Maarten. By
            tour.  They  participated  in  The  Minister  of  Culture,   combining  educational  and  scientific  To  follow  along,  stay  tuned  to  DCNA’s
            different  international  cir-  Xiomara   Maduro,   con-    components  throughout  the  exchange  social media pages-  Facebook (Dutch
            cus  festivals.  In  2019  they  gratulates  RCC  Aruba  on   event,  participants  are  empowered  to  Caribbean  Nature  Alliance),  Instagram
            participated  in  the  ‘China  behalf of the Government     share  ideas  and  improve  the  connec-  (dcnanature)!  For  interviews,  please
            International  Circus  Fes-  of Aruba for their efforts to   tions between the protected area man-   contact  Dahlia  Hassell  –  Knijff,  DCNA
            tival’  and  performed  in  promote  our  island  inter-    agement organizations and the educa-     Projects  Officer  at  projects@dcnana-
            three cities in China. In De-  nationally  and  for  qualify-  tional programs.
            cember 2020, they had 60  ing to the second round of                                        q
            shows  in  Budapest,  Hun-   AGT.q
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