Page 14 - Rehab Orientation Manual 4 04 19-updated_Neat
P. 14


                    1.  VNSNY personnel must be honest and lawful in all their business dealings and avoid any
                       conduct that might create even the appearance of impropriety.
                    2.  Documentation and business records must be prepared accurately.
                    3.  VNSNY personnel have a duty of loyalty and commitment to VNSNY, and must put
                       VNSNY’s interests ahead of their own personal, business, or commercial interests. Avoid
                       conflicts of interest. Examples include, but not limited to:
                           a.  Employment with an entity that competes, contracts with, or is a supplier of
                           b.  A financial or ownership interest in an entity that does business with VNSNY
                           c.  Buying from or making any business decision that involves friends or family; or,
                           d.  Having a supervisory or reporting relationship to family or those with whom we are
                               personally involved.
                    4.  Any sharing of VNSNY policies or other proprietary materials is prohibited.
                    5.  VNSNY prohibits the giving or acceptance by any personnel of any gift, gratuity,
                       entertainment or other item from any organization that is doing or might be doing business
                       with VNSNY, or from any patient or family member served by VNSNY personnel.
                    6.  Report possible violations to your manager and/or Compliance Officer
                        Address: P.O. Box 2080, New York, NY 10001, Phone #: 212 290-4773.
                    7.  Violations may result in disciplinary actions up to and including termination from VNSNY.
                       The violation may also be sent to professional licensing boards and law enforcement
                       agencies for prosecution.
                    8.  For full Code of Conduct information, please refer to the Policies and Procedures in our
                       VNSNY Intranet site.


                    1.  Follow HIPAA guidelines.
                    2.  Respect patient information everywhere.
                    3.  Maintain records properly.
                    4.  Have STRONG passwords for tablet passwords.
                    5.  If a VNSNY computer containing sensitive PHI were to be stolen, it would be an incident
                       requiring telephone and written notification to the patient as a possible confidentially

               DRESS CODE

               Both staff and per diem therapists are required to have a VNSNY logo shirt or sweater as the
               outermost garment worn while working with a patient. In addition, absolutely no denim material
               garments (jeans, shorts or skirts) should be worn while working in a patient’s home. Clothing should
               be neat and clean and excessive jewelry should be avoided. Therapist should wear closed shoes (no
               sandals.)  Your uniform entitlement depends on your job title, status (staff vs. per diem) and your
               length of service.

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