Page 28 - Rehab Orientation Manual 4 04 19-updated_Neat
P. 28
c. One compartment for documentation
i. Tablet
ii. Paper forms i.e. SOC folder, HEP
3. Adhere to Standard Precautions
4. Never place a non-rolling bag on the floor
5. Bag must be maintained and thoroughly cleaned inside and out
MRSA Procedure
1. Upon accepting a case, review referral comments to check if MRSA is present among
patient’s history.
2. If so contact RN or PT case manager to ensure MRSA Kit is present in the patient’s home
(MRSA Kit includes: BP cuff, stethoscope, thermometer, special hand sanitizer, gowns,
gloves, and mask/shields)
3. VNSNY bag and tablet are not brought into the home. Materials can be left in the car. If
not traveling by car, place materials in plastic bag and leave inside entrance of apartment.
4. No signature is obtained from patient.
5. During treatment, standard precautions (strict hand hygiene and gloves) are followed at all
6. Contact precautions (wearing gown and mask in addition to gloves) are not routinely
required unless there is potential for contact with bodily fluids (handling drainage devices,
urine, stool, or respiratory secretions.)
7. After treatment session, dispose of all medical waste i.e. gloves in the home/wash hands.
8. If possible, MRSA infected patients should be scheduled to be seen the last visit of the day
by clinical staff.
9. Contact case manager if materials from the MRSA Kit need to be restocked.
Bed Bugs
If clinician is in the home when bed bugs are first suspected or detected:
1. Notify manager immediately.
2. Notify other disciplines on the case ASAP
3. ASAP, wash all clothing and personal items in very hot water for 15 minutes and dry on high heat for at
least 30 minutes.
4. Notify primary MD of suspected infestation. Evaluate the patient’s need for anti-itch medication and
will need orders for SW.
5. Notify paraprofessional vendor (HHA needs to wear personal protective equipment, arrange for
immediate delivery, instruct that he/she must wear items).
6. Complete patient incident report about the exposure.
7. Provide patient/caregiver Guidelines for Reporting and Treating for Infestation with Bed Bugs.
If patient/caregiver does not agree to follow bed bug control measures, clinician should notify his/her
manager immediately.
Action should be taken to prevent spread of bed bugs to VNSNY staff; may include transferring patient to
in-patient facility/Adult Protective Services/suspension of home care services.