Page 24 - Rehab Orientation Manual 4 04 19-updated_Neat
P. 24
ii. In the event it becomes necessary for the organization personnel to initiate
telephone communication with an individual who is hearing or communicatively
impaired, “Relay Service” can be utilized.
4. For patients who require an interpreter:
a. When patients with other languages are taken under care, patient’s family members or
friends could provide interpretation, if requested by the patient.
b. VNSNY Home Care has a multicultural program and the staff in these programs speak
the dominant non-English language in these programs
c. The organization will maintain a list of organization personnel who speak languages
other than English to assign an interpreter to non-English speaking patients.
d. If an interpreter in the required language is not available, the AT&T Language Line
may be used. Directions for the use of this service can be accessed by calling AT&T.
e. Face to face interactions with the patient who is hearing or communicatively impaired,
will be facilitated by utilizing sign language, as listed under “American Sign” if needed.
f. If a certified sign language interpreter is required, the resource list should be
consulted. As much advance notice as possible is preferred.
5. For communicatively impaired patient:
a. Patient with expressive or receptive language deficits should have a consult with a
speech therapist to determine appropriate, effective use of assistive devices such as flash
cards, communication board, etc.
b. Physician approval for the consultation will be obtained.