P. 22

1BChapter 2 – All About Uterine fibroids                                                        21

                   1BChapter 2 – All About Uterine fibroids

                   10BSection One – The Truth About Uterine


                    19BWhat Are Uterine fibroids ?

                   Almost every woman has at least one small uterine fibroid in her uterus; yet

                   most never even know they are there. If fibroids are indeed so common, why

                    are they so feared? Mostly because they are misunderstood.

                   First, let’s look at what uterine fibroids are: they are benign tumors (or smooth

                   muscle masses) that grow inside the walls of the uterus.  Fibroids are made of

                   the exact same type of muscle tissue that makes up the uterus, except that

                   fibroid muscle is hard, not soft. Keep in mind that while they are located in or

                   on the uterus, fibroids are not actually part of the uterus, but is its own

                    separate grouping of tissue that grows independently of other uterine tissue.

                   The most common type of tumor found in the body, no one knows for sure

                   why fibroids so commonly grow in the uterus. One theory is the fact that the

                   uterus is an organ whose purpose is to grow a fetus, making it the perfect

                    place for any mass of cells to reproduce.

                   Fibroids can be so small they cannot even be felt during an internal exam. Or

                   they can be so large that they seem to make the patient’s belly protrude

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