P. 23

1BChapter 2 – All About Uterine fibroids                                                        22

                   unnaturally. The largest uterine fibroid ever recorded weighed over 140

                    pounds. The average is about the size of a golf ball.

                   Now, let’s look at what uterine fibroids are not: they are not cancerous tumors

                   and they cannot turn into cancer, even if they grow very large.  Fibroids do not

                   spread. However, many women with fibroid tumors tend to have more than


                    20BWhat Role Does the Uterus Play in Fibroids?

                   Although fibroids can grow in any of the body’s muscle tissues, they tend to

                   like the uterus the most. Since this pear shaped organ is made in a way that

                   can stretch and grow to accommodate a thriving fetus, it makes a great place

                   for fibroids to grow undetected.  Add to that the thick endometrial wall and a

                   good blood supply from a woman’s menses, not to mention the hormone

                   fluctuations that affect this area of the body and you can imagine why fibroids

                    settle here.

                   To better understand fibroids, it is important to fully understand the role of the

                   uterus, both within the woman’s body, and in the formation and growth of

                   these tumors.  A small upside-down pear-shaped organ, the uterus is

                   generally fairly small (only about three inches long and weighing less than half

                   a pound), but has the ability to grow during pregnancy.  Of course, this

                    environment also allows fibroids to grow quite easily.

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