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1BChapter 2 – All About Uterine fibroids                                                        57

                   to fibroids, thus shrinking their size. Since it permanently changes the course

                    of the blood to the fibroid, they cannot come back.

                   Here’s how it works: a catheter is inserted into the femoral artery via a small

                   incision. Using contrast dye and a special x-ray machine, the doctor is able to

                   clearly see the blood vessels he is maneuvering through.  Next, he guides the

                   catheter tip to the place where the arteries branch off from the uterus. At this

                   point he sues the catheter to inject up to 1,500 milligrams of plastic particles

                   into the patient’s bloodstream. Gelatin-like sponge pellets may also be

                   inserted.  This clogs the blood flow into the fibroid, which in essence kills it.

                    The result is shrinkage with an alleviation of symptoms.

                   Some of things that makes this procedure so successful is the fact that

                   fibroids need a constant blood supply to thrive and the uterus has other blood

                    supplies, so if the end artery is blocked it does not affect the uterus.

                   Although it is not as well-known as myomectomy or hysterectomy, the results

                   are clear: embolization works! More than 85% of the women who have

                    undergone the procedure report that their fibroids are gone.

                   Although any surgery comes with risks, Embolization seems to offer less risk

                   than hysterectomy. One studied reported that only 1 in 5,000 women died

                   from the procedure, compared to 1 in 1,000 with hysterectomies.

                   Researchers believe that about 1 in every 10 women experienced either pain

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