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something is wrong and that the body is in a state of imbalance and danger.
Most illnesses occur when the body’s cleansing organs cannot remove all the
excessive amounts of toxins that get into the cell walls, bones, hormone
receptors, tissues and even cell surfaces. In most cases, the moment toxins
enter your system, the disease begins. When symptoms occur, it is often too
late as something has already been damaged.
Proponents of natural medicine believe that by allowing the body to conduct
its process of removing internal toxins, also known as detoxification, along
with restoring it to a state of balance with the right nutrition, more than 90% of
illnesses can be healed by the body itself.
Studies have clearly shown that calorie-restricted diets tend to normalize
hormones, induce ovulation, and enhance fertility while reducing other fibroids
related symptoms.
Moreover, improvements in diet, exercise and lifestyle, combined with
methods to detoxify the body, are essential methods for eliminating and
preventing uterine fibroids formation.
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