P. 8

Fantasies?  Not  really!  Any  of  those  situations  could  occur.  In  a  survey  of  480
                  companies and public organizations, communication skills—including public speaking—
                  were  ranked  first  among  the  personal  qualities  of  college  graduates  sought  by
                  employers.  The  ability  to  speak  effectively  is  so  prized  that  college  graduates  are
                  increasingly being asked to give a presentation as part of their job interview.
                         Nor has the growth of the Internet and other new technologies reduced the need
                  for public speaking. Even in a community life. Public speaking is a vital means of civic
                  engagement. It is a way to express our ideas and to have an impact on issues that matter
                  in society. Public speaking offers us an opportunity to make a difference in something
                  we care about very much.

                       B    Similarities and Differences between Public Speaking and Conversation

                                  Watch the videos. Then, answer the questions.

                                    Video 1                                       Video 2
                             (Conversation video)                         (Public speaking video)

                         Luqman                        Eiga

                     1. What is their relationship? Do they       1. What is the topic of his talk?
                        know each other?                          2. What is the purpose of his talk?
                     2. On what occasion they might               3. How does the speaker begin his talk?
                        probably be at? Is it formal or           4. On  what  occasion  he  might  probably
                        informal setting? How do you know?           be at? Is it formal or informal setting?
                     3. What are the topics of their talk? Are       How do you know?
                        they well organized?                      5. How does the speaker end his talk?
                     4. What is the purpose of their talk?        6. Why does the speaker use the finding
                     5. How do their talks contribute to             and the opinion from the expert?
                        each other’s talk?                        7. How  does  the  speaker  arrange  his
                                                                  8. What  do  you  think  about  his
                                                                     performance? Explain your answer.

                    2 | Public Speaking
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13