P. 110


               Discussion                          WHAT TO COLLECT
                                           WHEN WRITING REFERENCES?

                       What you need to do after you have found books, articles, journals or any

               sources either printed or online is to write immediately the information listed at the

               following table. Procrastinate this detailed job will get you into trouble. You don’t
               want to find a needle in a haystack, don’t you?

                                                 PRINTED SOURCE                  ONLINE SOURCES
                                               author name                    author and editor names
                                               title of the publication        (if available)
                                               (and the title of the article     title of the page (if
                                               if it's a magazine, journal      available)
                                               or encyclopedia)                the company or
                                               date of publication             organization who posted
                                               the place of publication of     the webpage
                                               a book                          the Web address for the

                                               the publishing company          page (called a URL)
                                               of a book                       the last date you looked

                                               the volume number of a          at the page
                                               magazine or printed
                                               encyclopedia the page

              Example 1                  APA-FORMATTED REFERENCES

                       Different  types  of  sources  have  different  formatting  in  the  references.  In

               American  schools,  the  two  most  commonly  used  guidelines for this formatting  are
               published  by  the  MLA  (Modern  Language  Association)  and  the  APA  (American

               Psychological Association). In this book, you will learn the APA format.

                       When  writing  references,  you  should  list  the  sources  in  alphabetical  order
               using  the  author's  last  name.  If  a  source  has  more  than  one  author,  alphabetize

               using the first one. If an author is unknown, alphabetize that source using the title
               instead. You have to consider the italicization in the references. In APA style, the title

               of books and journals are written in italics.

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