P. 115

PAPER PRESENTATION               2019

               3.  This was published in 1991 in Oxford and is a book by Professor John Sinclair.

                    The title of the book is: Corpus, concordance and collocation and the publisher
                    was Oxford University press.


               4.  This small book is called: learning purpose and language use. It was written by
                    Henry  George  Widdowson  and  published  in  1983.  Like  all  his  books,  it  was

                    published in Oxford by Oxford University Press.

               5.  This newspaper article was written by Jane Martinson in New York. The title of

                    the  article  is:  Microsoft  faces  defining  moment,  and  it  was  in  the  Guardian on

                    page 10 on Saturday November 6th, 1999.

               6.  This book, like many dictionaries, does not say who wrote it. The title is: Collins
                    COBUILD  English  language  dictionary  and  it  was  published  in  1987  by

                    HarperCollins in London.

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