P. 43


               Reasons for Reviewing the Literature

                     There are some reasons for putting relevant references in your paper.

                   To  avoid  carrying  out  an  exactly  the  same  research  in  which  other  scholars
                     have  already  conducted  which  are  probably  better  than  yours.  Find  different

                     variables for your research.
                   To fulfill the readers’ need in their interest to know to which researches your

                     topic fits.

                   To enable your research to remedy the limitations of early works.
                   To  enable  you  adapting  the  methodologies,  materials,  and  their  statistical

                     analysis for your research.

                     This  section  covers  two  parts  namely  theoretical  framework  and  empirical
               review.  Each part will be discussed further in the following.

               Discussion                      THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK

                       A  theoretical  framework  consists  of  concepts  and,  together  with  their
               definitions and reference to relevant scholarly literature, existing theory that is

               used  for  your  particular  study. The  theoretical  framework  must  demonstrate  an
               understanding  of  theories  and  concepts  that  are  relevant  to  the  topic  of  your

               research paper and that relate to the broader areas of knowledge being considered.
               It aims to examine your title and research problem.

                                                            Since  researchers  in  different  areas  of
                  Important note: To
                                                    study have developed their own languages, there
                  clarify terms, choose and
                  mention the terms you             might  be  some  terms  having  different  meaning
                  are going to use in
                                                    from one area of study with another. Therefore, in
                  your research and briefly
                                                    Introduction section, you may introduce the use of
                  explain the
                  representation of each
                                                    important terms in your research paper. Besides,
                  used term.
                                                    this  section  can  also  discuss  the  operational
               definitions used in previous researches especially if there is a disagreement among

               researchers on those definitions.

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