P. 42


                   LITERATURE REVIEW

                                                                       Students are able to:
                                                                       1. select appropriate theories and
                                                                       empirical review related to the
                                                                       research topic.
                                                                       2. write a literature review section of
                                                                       a research-based paper.

              Discussion                      REVIEWING THE LITERATURE

                       After selecting the appropriate approach for your Introduction, the next thing is

               to include some references related to your research such as books, journals, articles,
               and  conference  presentations.  There  are  two  points  that  you  have  to  consider  in

               presenting the selected references. First, discuss only the most relevant parts of the

               references  for  your  research.  Second,  clearly  present  the  references  you  have
               selected  in  the  order  to  show  the

               interrelation  of  one  another  and  to  show
                                                                        Commonly used
               what  topic  of  research  you  are  going  to
                                                                        expressions in reviewing
               discuss.                                                 literature:
                                                                        As reported by …
                       It is impossible to find a brand new
                                                                        Based on …
               research topic as there are some scholars                According to …
                                                                        A survey found that…
               who  have  examined  similar  topics  related
                                                                        Other report said that…
               to  yours.  You  may  use  some  selective               Added by…

               sources  and  theory  showing  that  you

               address sufficient knowledge on your topic.

               As an addition, you may also highlight any controversies found related to your topic.

               Instead of stating your opinion, this section is supposed to present ideas based on

               data and theory. You should avoid listing the theories and ensure that the theories

               you put in this section is interrelated to your topic.

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