Page 31 - Modul Academic Writing
P. 31

3      METHODS

                                        to describe methods from completed experiment

                                        to report data from completed experiment

               … Quiz …
               Below are several statements about Methods section in a research paper. Mark [√] for
               correct statements about Methods section, and mark [X] for incorrect statements.
                1.  The  Methods  section  does  not  require  an  Introduction  to  remind  the
                     reader of the purpose of the research.

                2.  The  Methods  section  should  provide  a  clear  description  of  the
                     experimental procedure.

                3.  The Methods section does not need to explain why particular methods
                     have been selected.

                4.  The methods section should be elaborate enough so that the readers can
                     repeat the experimental procedure and reproduce the results.

                5.  The methods section should also report on how the data was analyzed
                     noting what tools (e.g. software programs) were used.
                                                                       Compiled from and

               Having identified the focuses of Methods section, can you explain what tenses
               used in Methods section?

               … Tip …
                   To describe what we did to obtain certain results, we should use Past tense*.
                   Be sure to answer these key questions in your methods section: what, when, where,
                     how and why you did what you did to get your results.
                   Explain the procedures in chronological order, step-by-step.

                 *Even though simple past tense is mostly used to describe methods, it is also possible
                 to use past perfect tense when it is needed.
                 *Past perfect is used to describe some earlier stages of experiments or procedures.
                 *If you use diagrams or figures to explain what you did, refer to them using present

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