Page 89 - MAndarin_Neat
P. 89

Beijitlg Ope.v-a

                 Beijin9 opera is  a  branch of traditional Chinese m~Asical drama . .Jt took shape
             in Beijin9 abotAt 150 years a9o and has been poptAiar evel" since. Beijin9 opel"a is  a
             theatrical al"t synthesizin9 recitation, ins~tal W\1.-\Sic, sin9i"'9 1  dancin9 1  aaobatics and

             mal"tial ads, and feat~A~"in9 s~olic motions and sta9e desien. The hi9hly foi"''I'\L\Iaic and
             SIA99e5tive movements of the actOt"S al"e aCCOW\panied by the ... hythmic beats of eones and
             di"WnS, or the hatAntin9 melodies of h<aditional ins~ts . .All contrib!Ate to its tAniCJ~AenesS

             as a  performin9 art. Beijin9 opera is deeply rooted in Chinese ctAittAI"e  and still sfl.<on9ly
             appeals to many Chinese.
                 Today, Beijine opera can be enjoyed at Mei Lanfan9 C\rand Theater, Chan9'an
             Theatel" 1  or any of several other theatei"S in Beijin9. Fo ... eienei"S can also learn a bit abotAt
             Beijine opera tlv-Ot-\9h the Chinese film Fare well MyConcu~h.e ( (  ji .l.. ))tJ "*&.)  Baw6ng

             Bie Ji).
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