Page 90 - MAndarin_Neat
P. 90
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e' The f if'"st six lessons of this te xtbook pf'"ovide an overview
of the phonetic system of ChiV\ese lan9'Aage which coV\Sists of
21 initials 38 finals and fotAr basic tones. There are only a little
over 1,200 ways of combining iV\itials aV\d finals in Chinese. Now
that yotA can lASe p01yiYI yoi.A sho~Aid be able to read any Chil'\ese
syllable cof'"f'"ectly .
A majof'" goal of lang~Aage le arning is to acq~Aire the ability
to comm~Anicate in that langi.Aage. For this p1Arpose yoi.A have
leaf'"ned how to respol'\d to a n~mber of basic social sittAatioi'\S,
Jn addition yotA have met with mof'"e than 100 words al'\d
expressions 1 have leaf'"ned 40 key SeV\tel'\ces al'\d have sttAdied
22 Sel'\tel'\ces of dassf'"oom ChiV\ese expressioV\5.
So far 1 }:'OIA have acq~Aif'"ed 60 basic Chinese characters as
well as more than 50 new woF"'ds formed from them. }!otA have
also leamed some r~Aies of swoke of'"der fof'" Chil'\ese characters.
This elementary vocabi.Aiaf'"y will be ~.Asefi.AI when yoi.A start to
learn compo~.And words and contii'\V\e to btAild yotAr vocabtAiary.