Page 59 - Modul Academic Writing
P. 59

Identify tentative expression in the following sentences. Circle the expression.

                  1.  Escherichia  coli,  when  found  in  conjunction  with  urethritis,  often  indicate
                       infection higher in the uro-genital tract.
                  2.  For  our  present  purpose,  it  is  useful  to  distinguish  two  kinds  of  chemical
                       reaction, according to whether the reaction releases energy or requires it.
                  3.  These  differences  may  be  due  to  the  fact  participants  reporting  higher
                       consumption  levels  were  primed  to  overrate  their  weekly  drinking  by  the
                       condition they were in.
                  4.  The idea of 'community' in terms of GRT lives is very strong and could be seen
                       to correspond to some of the nostalgic constructs that non-GRT groups place
                       on 'community'.
                  5.  However, attrition was greatest among the heaviest drinking segment of the
                       sample, suggesting under-estimation in the findings, and although the study
                       provided associational, prospective evidence on alcohol advertising effects on
                       youth  drinking,  it  addressed  limitations  of  other  research,  particularly  the
                       unreliability of exposure measures based on self-reporting (Synder & Slater,
                                                   Taken from and

               After you are able to identify tentative expressions used in a sentence, now, try
               to fill the blank with any possible tentative expression.

                  1.  It  can  be  _________________  that,  for  young  adult  males,  the  portrayal  of
                       alcohol on a television screen might lead to increased alcohol consumption.
                  2.  The  present  results  further  _________________  that  the  estimated  effect  of
                       body fatness on LVM depends largely on the particular combination of body-
                       size and body-fatness predictors chosen for the LVM models.
                  3.  There  is  no  difficulty  in  explaining  how  a  structure  such  as  an  eye  or  a
                       feather contributes to survival and reproduction; the difficulty is in thinking
                       of a series of steps by which it _________________ arisen.
                  4.  It is _________________ that after the placebo preload, participants became
                       more wary of the task, perhaps owing to the previous experience of having
                       to inhibit responses suddenly after the habit-forming in blocks 2 and 4.
                  5.  _________________ of these findings _________________ be that, if moderation
                       of alcohol consumption in certain groups is strived for, it _________________
                       be sensible to cut down on the portrayal of alcohol in programs aimed at
                       these groups and the commercials shown in between.
                                                 Taken from and

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