Page 63 - Modul Academic Writing
P. 63

… Practice …
               Here is excerpt adapted from the Conclusion chapter of Asynchronous Forums
               in  EAP:  Assessment  Issues  by  Kol,  S  &  Scholnik,  M.  (2008).  Analyze  the
               functions of each part of conclusion. Here are possible answers.

                      suggest areas for            make comparisons with        highlight limitations of
                      further research and         other research/studies’      the findings
                      study                        findings

                      draw a logical               summarize the findings       make a final comment
                      implication/                                              about/explain the
                      generalization                                            findings

                In conclusion, the insights that emerged from this study have
                deepened  our  understanding  of  the  use  of  forums  in  EAP
                courses. Forum writing can now be assessed in a way that is
                suitable to context, medium, and purpose.

                The criteria of reflection and reference to information in the text
                make  the  assessment  suitable  to  the  academic  context;  the
                criterion  of  interaction  makes  the  assessment  suitable  to  the
                digital  medium;  and  the  criterion  of  language  makes  the
                assessment suitable to the purpose of language courses.

                The assessment criteria that emerged from this study may be
                used  as  a  basis  for  guidelines  for  effective  academic

                The forums offered students the opportunity to write extensively
                and mindfully, to use the rich academic vocabulary encountered
                in  their  readings,  to  learn  from  teacher  feedback  and  peer
                contributions, and to become aware of the criteria necessary to
                assess and improve their writing. Based on the positive attitudes
                of  the  students  and  their  reflection  and  interaction  in  the
                forums,  there  seems  to  be  a  place  for  text-stimulated  forum
                discussions in EAP courses.
                                                   Taken from

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