Page 23 - MODUL FCN full
P. 23
Duty 4: …………………………………………………………….
Admission nurses collect information on the type of insurance a patient has. They ensure that
the patient can afford care in the hospital through their insurance policy. This process can
also include organizing meetings between patients and the billing section of the hospital.
Duty 5: …………………………………………………………….
An admissions nurse coordinates with the various healthcare professionals who work in the
hospital. They provide information about their initial examination and course of action for
diagnosis and treatment. This is to provide better coordination of care to improve patient
satisfaction and health.
Duty 6: …………………………………………………………….
The duties of an admissions nurse include reducing the general anxiety of hospital visits by
comforting patients and their families. It can include directly communicating with patients
and their families about the details of upcoming procedures. This is when they answer
questions the patient may have to ensure proper patient-centered care.
c. Gather information from the article on part b, and decide during which duty do these excerpts
take place.
Excerpt 1 has been done for you as an example.
Excerpt 1: Recording vital signs
Ns. Shinta : Please sit down comfortably and let me measure your body temperature. Oh, it’s
38,5. You have a mild fever.
Mrs. Wiranata : No wonder I feel unwell.
Ns. Shinta : I think I will check your blood pressure as well.
Mrs. Wiranata : Please.
Ns. Shinta : Please hold out your arm so that I can wrap this cuff around it to read your blood
Mrs. Wiranata : Sure.
Ns. Shinta : It is 100/70. It’s normal.
Mrs. Wiranata : Thank God. I am worried I might get something serious.
Ns. Shinta : To make sure, I will check your pulse and respiration too.
pg. 15