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Mrs. Wiranata : It’s Leni Wiranata.
Ns. Shinta : Leni with an I or Y?
Mrs. Wiranata : it’s I; L-E-N-I.
Ns. Shinta : All right, yes your name is in our system and your appointment is for 3 PM.
Mrs. Wiranata : Yes, I just come a bit early.
Ns. Shinta : So, do you feel any better?
Mrs. Wiranata : No, my body is still aching. I don’t know how to describe it, but I get tired so easily
and my headache comes and goes.
Ns. Shinta : Don’t worry, you’re in good hands. dr. Tommy will take care of you well.
Excerpt 5:
Ns. Shinta : I read your paperwork, but I think I need to confirm several things.
Mrs. Wiranata : What are they?
Ns. Shinta : You also came to our clinic last month with the same complaint.
Mrs. Wiranata : Yes, this time the headache becomes worse.
Ns. Shinta : Do you feel any tension? I mean, does something stress you out?
Mrs. Wiranata : Well, work always piles up. But, I can manage to handle that.
Ns. Shinta : How about losing consciousness? Do you faint often?
Mrs. Wiranata : No, but I always feel exhausted although I don’t really do something physical.
Ns. Shinta : Do you consume any supplements or vitamins, or any other medication?
Mrs. Wiranata : I take vitamin B12 regularly to boost my energy, and Aspirin only when I can’t handle
my headache.
Ns. Shinta : Do your parents or grandparents or someone in your family have hypertension or
Mrs. Wiranata : Uhm…. My grandmother as I remember.
Ns. Shinta : From whose part? Your mother or father?
Mrs. Wiranata : My mother.
Ns. Shinta : I see, I write all of that on your paperwork so dr. Tommi can use it as a consideration
when diagnosing you.
Excerpt 6:
Mrs. Wiranata : Excuse me, nurse. I had the examination with dr. Tommi and he told me to give this
back to you so you can let me know what I should do next.
Ns. Shinta : Sure, let me see. Okay, so dr. Tommi refers you to dr. Andi from the Cardiology
department for an EKG test to determine whether you have an arrhythmia or not.
Mrs. Wiranata : Yes, he told me the same. But, I don’t understand what it is. Would you mind
explaining it to me?
Ns. Shinta : EKG stands for electrocardiogram. It’s a simple procedure to evaluate heart rate and
it will not hurt. Don’t worry.
Mrs. Wiranata : So, how is the process?
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