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5   The participants of the group discussion need to answer the questions based   [          ]
                      on the arguments and facts.
                  6   There is a time limitation for the group discussion.                   [          ]
                  7   In a group discussion, the participants and moderator have to know each   [          ]
                      other first before doing the actual group discussion.

               b.      Watch the video again, and answer the questions.

               1.  How does the moderator open the group discussion?

               2.  What is the background of the focus group discussion being held?

               3.  Why do the participants get selected in the focus group discussion?

               4.  In a focus group discussion, can the moderator change to another person to avoid one participant
                   dominating the discussion?

               5.  What language style do we use in a group discussion?

                  Language Focus: Expressions used in Focused Group Discussion

                The language used to start the discussion      Expressions used to state opinions/ideas
                    Let’s discuss the possible ways to approach    In my opinion, we have to take care of the
                    patients with mental health.                   emergency patient first.
                    Today we’re going to discuss the patient's     I personally think that COPD is a dangerous
                    condition with severe head trauma on the       disease.
                    ward.                                          I think /believe/reckon/suppose that we
                                                                   should go to the operating room now.
                Asking for opinion                             Expressions in agreeing to an opinion
                    Could you tell me what you feel now ms Nina?    I quite agree that changing the lifestyle of the
                    What do you think about taking painkillers?    patient with tachycardia is a possible
                    What’s your opinion about consuming            alternative treatment.
                    vitamins?                                      I couldn’t agree (with you) more.
                                                                   I agree with you on the stop smoking
                                                                   movement to reduce respiratory diseases.

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