Page 53 - MODUL FCN full
P. 53
b. Individually, write a composition about risk factor /side effect/complication of one of these
patients’ condition below. You have to choose ONE of the prompt below.
Discussion Prompt 1:
Patient in bed 2 is a patient with shortness of breath, frequent coughing, wheezing and
persistence fatigue though she didn’t do anything during the day. Doctor diagnosed her
with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). The doctor gives inhaled steroid to
ease the symptoms of coughing. Discuss possible side effect, risk, or complication in the
patients’ medication
Discussion Prompt 2
Patient in bed 8 is a patient with chest tightness, generalized body weakness
nausea, pain or discomfort in the arms or shoulder. He sometimes experiences shortness
of breath. Doctor diagnosed him with CAD (Coronary artery Disease. The doctor
prescribed him with medication to reduce the progress of the disease, medication to
strengthen the function of the heart. Discuss possible side effect, risk, or complication in
the patient’s medication
Discussion Prompt 3:
Patient in bed 1 is a patient with tremor, constant stiffness throughout the body, sleeping
problem and masked face. The doctor diagnoses him with Parkinson disease. The doctor
has given him Dopaminergic Medications to reduce the symptoms of Parkinson to
improve daily function of the life. Discuss possible effect, risk, or complication in patients’
pg. 45