Page 9 - EFN Skill Lab
P. 9
Medication Administration & Blood
Case Scenario
Mrs. R was admitted to the hospital due to traffic accident, she complaints of severe pain in her right
thigh, feel thirsty and dizziness. Her condition led to severe dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and need
fluid management. Vital signs assessment showed: Temp: 39 C, HR: 115 bpm, BP: 130/85 mmHg, RR:
30X/minuteAfter an assessment by the medical team, it was decided that he requires both intravenous
fluid therapy to correct the dehydration and blood transfusion to manage her hydration needs, administer
medications, and prevent shock hypovolemia.
Nursing Diagnosis:
● Fluid volume deficit related to other medical condition (i.e fracture femur).
● Acute Pain related to femur fracture secondary to soft tissue injury.
Nurse's Plan:
● Intravenous (IV) therapy: To administer fluids and medications.
● Blood transfusion: To prevent shock hypovolemia
Task: Perform a dialogue between nurse and patient in the English language when the nurse performing
medication and blood transfusion administration.
pg. 3