Page 22 - Reading And Listening
P. 22

were unlikely to commit violence against others. Finally, the survey found that just as many women
               as men played video games.

                      According to this survey, at least, gaming has become a normal hobby, like any other, and
               as is the case with many other stereotypes, the stereotypical image of gamers does not seem to
               match with reality.

                                                                                   Adapted from: Reading for the Real World 1

               B.  Match the synonym for the words in the left column to the right column.

                   1.    sophisticated                             drawing attention

                   2.    profitable                                uninteresting

                   3.    attractive                                cosmopolitan

                   4.    boring                                    rational

                   5.    normal                                    money- making

               C.  Mark each statements either true (T) or false (F) according to the reading.

                   1.  _______ Gamers are not thought to be like normal people.
                   2.  _______ Gamers are thought to be anti social.

                   3.  _______ Many gamers always play games as a way to enjoy time with friends.
                   4.  _______ More men play video games than women.

               D.  Choose the best answer according to the reading.

                   1.  What is the main idea of the reading?

                       a.  Gamers have similar personalities, likes and dislikes
                       b.  Gamers are similar to people’s ideas of them
                       c.  Gamers are different from people’s ideas of them
                       d.  Gamers are not similar to each other

                   2.  What is the antonym of the word “profitable”?

                       a.  productive
                       b.  valuable
                       c.  potent
                       d.  fruitless

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