Page 117 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 117

4.      Sanitation facility is very poor condition having only 29% national coverage and issue on water

                  quality has not been given proper attention (Shrestha, 2203). Rural communities continue to
                  use the most convenient source of water irrespective of quality. Regular outbreaks of water borne

                  epidemics and increasing number of patients being admitted to hospitals due to water related

                  diseases indicates that only supplying of drinking water is not sufficient to improve public health
                  status unless continued effort is made both on water supply and sanitation.

                                  Less effective                                 Effective

         5.       Writing is very important because in writing the writer can transfer their ideas or what they things
                  and providing many things that draw a writer’s attentions. Hamer (2004) stated “Writing as one

                  of four skills of English which always be part of a syllabus in the teaching of English. Besides, writing
                  encourages students to focus an accurate language use and it provokes language development as

                  they resolve problems which the writing puts into their minds”. The importance of writing steams
                  the fact that writing is the primary basis upon which communication, history, record keeping, and

                  arts is begun. Writing also is the frame work of our communication (Harmer, 2004). We cannot
                  imagine a life that did not involve writing is extremly important in today’s society.

                                  Less effective                                Effective

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