Page 10 - LEVEL 2_Neat
P. 10

A.  Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. Use the words in the box to make correct
                      form of simple present tense.

                         Have          go             read          study

                                 Visit          wake          like

                      1.  Mr. Haris always _______ a newspaper in his room every morning.
                      2.  Ellen usually _______ English on Tuesday and Thursday nights.

                      3.  Harry and Ron never _______ up late to watch their favorite TV show.
                      4.  Patrick _______ to the gym by riding a motorcycle every Sunday.

                      5.  Kelly always refuses to eat in a fast food restaurant. She _____ _____ _____ junk food.
                      6.  ______ Carina often _______ the library? I meet her several times there.

                      7.  ____ you _____any leisure time activity?

                      Non-Verbal Sentence

                                       Positive                                       Negative
                             I      am       a student                 I      am               a teacher
                            You     are      an accountant             You    are              a manager
                              We    are      employees                 We     are              employers
                            They    are      diligent                  They   are      not     lazy
                            He      is       a gate keeper             He     is               a headmaster
                            She     is       humble                    She    is               arrogant
                            It      is       a school                  It     is               a hospital

                                  Interrogative                       Yes                       No
                       Am        I        a student?                I       am             I       am
                       Are       you      an accountant?            you     are            you     are
                       Are       we       hard workers?             we      are            we      are
                       Are       they     diligent?           Yes,  they    are       No,  they    are    not
                       Is        he       a teacher?                he      is             he      is
                       Is        she      smart?                    she     is             she     is
                       Is        it       a school?                 it      is             it      is

                   B.  Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences with the proper verb.

                      1.  Nancy     :  I often see Ricky riding his bicycle around the neighborhood. ___ (be) he a
                          Ted       :  No, he ___ ___ (be/not). He _________ (deliver) newspapers every morning.
                          Nancy     :  So what ___ (be) his job?
                          Ted       :  He ___ (be) a paperboy.

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