Page 15 - LEVEL 2_Neat
P. 15

1.  What is the writer’s favorite leisure time   5.  How is the writer able to increase his
                         activity?                                     knowledge?
                         a.  Writing books                             a.  By reading books from different
                         b.  Collecting books                             writers
                         c.  Reading books                             b.  By reading books consisting only
                         d.  Selling books                                poems
                         e.  Editing books                             c.  By selecting various topics of stories
                                                                       d.  By merely reading a lot story books
                      2.  Why does the writer like reading books?      e.  By reading one general article
                         a.  Books can be interesting and amusing.
                         b.  Books can be borrowed from the        6.  How does the writer describe the relation
                             library.                                  between the book and the reader?
                         c.  Books are written by famous people.       a.  Leaders and members
                         d.  Books play an important role in           b.  Topics and stories
                             developing minds.                         c.  Teachers and principles
                         e.  Books are not expensive to afford.        d.  Government and citizen
                                                                       e.  Teachers and pupils
                      3.  What do books provide for the students?
                         a.  A training center                     7.  These are the poems writers that the
                         b.  An opening for the student’s creative     writer really adores, EXCEPT __________
                             genius                                    a.  Syekh Abdulah
                         c.  A valuable meaning for students           b.  Shakespeare
                         d.  A guidance how to be good students        c.  William Wordsworth
                         e.  A valuable art project                    d.  Ghalib
                                                                       e.  Allama Iqbal
                      4.  What are the books that have a deep
                         effect on human minds?                    8.  Where does the writer sometimes go to
                         a.  Genius books                              read books?
                         b.  Delicious books                           a.  A public mall
                         c.  Religious books                           b.  A grocery
                         d.  Valuable books                            c.  A general shop
                         e.  Training books                            d.  A school
                                                                       e.  A library

                  B.  Scanning.  Read  the  passage  and  scan  for  some  detailed  information  to  complete  the  table


                         Basketball to me is overall the best sport out of all of the other sports such as
                      baseball,  soccer,  and  football.  Basketball  is  very  fun  to  watch  on  television
                      because when you watch it you can take the moves you see the professional’s
                      perform  and  add  them  to  your  style  of  play.  I  take  many  of  my  moves  from
                      professional basketball players and make them my own because they expand my
                      arsenal  of  tricks.  There  are  varieties  of  tricks  the  players  perform  during  games  it  makes  the
                      games much more enjoyable to be watching.

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