Page 110 - Vargo Mari. - Speak Now 4 Student's Book
P. 110
LESSON 10 Michael: Uh-huh. I was up half the night
Listening, Part A and B watching a live stream of a concert.
A: Hey, Sandra. your room is even messier David: You didn't sleep much over the
weekend either.
than usual!\fhat's going on in here?
B: Hi, Tina. I know, itt a huge messl Since it Michael: I know. I was busy researching and
writing new blog posts. I was also
always takes me forever to decide what to wear
uploading videos to a video sharing site.
in the morning, I decided to tidy up my closet.
You should watch my videos.
I thought it might make it easier ro find things.
David: I'm surprised that you can even talk
A: That's great! But it doesn't look like you've
to me right now. Your eyes are almost
gotten very far. There are clothes all over the
rooml\X/hat happened?
Michael: I know. I should really get more sleep. I
B: \fell, as I was organizing, I started finding
spend too much time online.
clothes that I d forgotten I had. Some were
brand new and still had rags on them! So
since I didnt remember what the clothes
Listeningr Part A and B
looked like, I decided to try them all on.
1. A: Aren't you going to recycle that bottle?
A: I guess that makes sense. But why is the rest
B: I usually recycle, but it's just one bottle.
of your room such a mess?
There's no recycling bin around here, and I
B: \7ell, once I starred cleaning my closet, I
don't want to carry an empty bottle around
wanted to clean my whole room. I decided
all day, so I'm just going to throw it away.
to organize my desk because I can never find A: But isn't it important to recycle all the
anything in there. plastic we use?
A: Good for youl But there are papers everlwhere B: I see what you mean, but I dont think one
now. \(hat are you going to do? botde makes a difference.
B: I guess I have ro ger some file folders and file A: If everyone in the world threw away one
everything. bottle a week, we would add twenry-eight
million plastic bottles to landfills every
A: Thatt a good idea. But what about your
bookshel{? How come all of your books are
B: \Wow, that's a lot of plastic. OK, I'll recycle
on the floor?
B: I bought some new books yesterday, so I
decided to ffy to make room on my bookshelf
2. A: Are you ready to go shopping?
for them. But I think I just have roo many
B: Yes, I am. Let's go. I cant wait to get some
new clothes
A: I think you might have too much of everything.
A: Did you bring your reusable bags?
B: Yeah, I think you're right. Since I have such a B: I dont use those for clothes shopping. I
small room, I should get rid of the clothes I only use them for groceries.
never wear and the books I ve already read. But dont you rhink we should reduce wasre
Do you want ro help me organize? any way we can?
A: No, thanks. I think I have a class right now. B: You have a point, but I dont go shopping
very often. And I like the bags that I get at
the department stores.
A: Do you reuse those bags?
Conversation, Part C
B: Sometimes. I use them to carry gifts to
David: You look tired, Michael.
people's houses and things like that.
Michael: Yeah, I spent the whole night updating
A: Couldn't you just carry things like that in
my website and posting on message
your backpack?
boards. I'm exhausted.
B: I guess I could, but I dont feel like carrying
David: \Terent you up really late the night
reusable bags today. Come on, ler's just go.
before, too?