Page 111 - Vargo Mari. - Speak Now 4 Student's Book
P. 111

                   How are we getting to the movies?                 And we really could do a better  job of
                   I can drive my car. I dont mind'
                   \Why  dont we take the subway?  \7e can get        recycling. You know, paperboard  can be
                   it a block away from my apartment and it           recycled.
                   will drop us off right in front of the theater'    Oh. Paperboard'..\fhat  exactlY is
                   Yeah, but I dont feel like taking the              paperboard?
                    subway.  Let's just take my car' It's easier'  Maria:  This is paperboard.
                                                                      Um...I  think there  was some cereal left in
                    Taking public transPortation  reduces       Kate:
                    .rrbon  emissions,  though' Dont you think        that.          been uP to all morning?
                    we should do what we can to cut down on    Maria:  What have  You
                                                                Kate:  Me? Oh, well, I've decided to try to
                    greenhouse  gases?
  tl                                                                  be more productive  because  I ve been
                 B: You have a point, but the subway  takes
                                                                      feeling  Pretty  stressed  out lately"'So
  fi                longer.
  li                                                                   now I'm getting lots of stuff done! I'm
  fr             A, That may be true, but on the other hand'
  i:                                                                   organizing  all my papers"'I'm  listening to
  ,i                there's probably going to be a lot of traffic
  ft                                                                   *.rri.... I'm chatting online"  'I'm  doing
                    at this time of daY'
                 B: I guess  that's true, but I'm still not            laundry...I'm  learning Portuguese"'and
                                                                                             at oncel
                    convinced  that public  transPortation  is a       now talking  to  You' "all
                                                               Maria: Great...good  for  You'
                    better way to go.
 IE                                                             fl-ater  that day...1
 tI            LESSONS  9_1.2 ENGLISH  IN ACTION                 Tom:  So, how are things going with your new
               Maria: Good morning, Kate'                              roommate?
 tI             Kate: Good afternoon,  you mean' You slept      Maria:  Oh, nothing's really changed'  Kate's not

 lli                   past noon!                                       a bad person, but she's just so messy!  Her
               Maria: I did? \7ow. \7ell, I was uP half the night'      clutter  is ever)'where"'I  just cant stand it'
                       I've been really worried  about  climate         And she makes so much noise!
                       change,  so I decided to reduce  my carbon  Tom:  That's a really tough situation'
                       footprint.  And I was reading all these  Maria:  Yeah.  An1'way,  how are things  with you?
                       blogs  by people  who have changed  their  Tom:  Really good,  actually. I met this woman
                       lifestyles. I guess I spend  too much time       at Anna's cafe opening, and we really hit
                       online,  huh?                                    it off. I think we're going  to get together
                 Kate: Yeah, probably.  So"'carbon footprint"'I         this weekend.
                       should know this, but I dont really get   Maria:  Really?  That's greatl'firhrat's  her name?

                       what carbon footPrint  means'              Tom:  Kate.
                Maria:  Oh, well, it means"'I  guess"'the  impact  Maria:  Another  Kate? I guess  that's a reallY
                        that everything  you do has on climate           popular name these daYs, huh?
                        change. You know, global warming'
                 Kate: Oh, right. Well, I'm imPressed'
                'Maria:  Like for example,  we use way too much  LESSON  13
                        electricity.  \7e don't really need to have  Conversation,  Part C
                                                                         I have an interview  tomorrow'  I'm a little
                        the lights on during  the day' And dont  Juliana:
                        you think we should use candles  instead         nervous.
                                                                    Dan:  \What  kind of  lob  are you hoping  to get?
                        of lights at night?
                  Kate: Oh. You have a point, but wouldnt that           What's  Your  long-term  goal?
                                                                         \7ell, I'm interviewing  for the position of
                        be bad for our eYes?                     Juliana:
                 Maria:  Oh, no, I dont think so' Not if we               production  assistant, but my long-term
                         have enough  candles'  I think we have           go"l is to become a film director'  I love
                                     here they are' I mean' if            movies.
                         some..  'yeah,                             Dan: Wow, that's exciting'  I didnt know you
                         everyone  used candles,  it would make a
                         huge differencel  See! It's like rurning on      wanted  to work in the movies'

                         the lights.
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