Page 116 - Vargo Mari. - Speak Now 4 Student's Book
P. 116

LESSONS L7-2O ENGLISH  IN ACTION                       Alex: But it's never too late, right?  \X/hat
          Tom: Hi, Maria.                                              are you afraid oft
          Alex: Hey, Maria.                                    Maria: Um...failure?  And I'm nervous
         Maria:  Hi, guys.                                             about being broke.
          Tom: \7ant to join us?                                Tom: But seriously,  I think youd be greatl
         Maria: Yeah, sure, thanks.  So, how's it going?              \7hy don't you stam try
          Alex: Oh, not bad. Of course, I'm under  a lot               out for a play at a local  theater?
                of pressure at work, as usual. I'm terrified    Alex: I could never do that...I'm terrified
                of missing deadlines.                                  of public  speaking.
        Maria: Your boss still getting on your nerves?         Maria: I guess I could, but I wouldn't  get
          Alex:  Yeah, and I have a lot of deadlines  coming          paid.
                up.                                             Alex: But it would be a start, right?
         Tom: Maybe  you should  ffy some relaxation           Maria: Yeah, but I d still need a day job.
                techniques.                                     AIex: Uh-huh. But at leasr if your day job
          Alex: Relaxation  techniques?                               were boring, youd have something
         Tom: Yeah, I always feel better after I do some              to dream about.
                deep breathing.  We can try it right now.  Cafe worker: Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt...
                Ready?  OK, breathe in...breathe  out...       Maria: Oh, that's OK.
                breathe in...breathe  out...Feel better?  Cafe worker: But we're actually filming a
          Alex: Wow, I do! That really worksl Thanksl So,             commercial  here in a little while.
                how are things with you, Maria? How's                 \fle need to ask you ro leave the
                the job search  going?                                cafe...unless youd like ro be exrras
        Maria: Oh, I dont know. I have a feeling I'm                  in the commercial,  of course.

                never going to get a job. I had three           A-lex: Extras?
                interviews  last week, and I haven't  heard  Cafe worker: Yeah...the  producer said they're
                back from any of the companies.                       looking for some people to just sit
         Tom: Really?       is that, do you think?                    here and drink and talk. Youd even
        Maria: \7ell, it seems like I'm either overqualified          get paid for itl
                or underqualified  for all of the jobs. I
                mean, I either  harre too much experience
                                                         LESSON  21
                or not enough.
                                                         Conversation,  Part C
         Tom: Oh, that's too bad. So, what would  your
                                                         Jennifer:   So, how was the movie you saw last
                ideal job be, anl.way?
                                                                   night? Did you like it?
        Maria: If I could do anything?  \Well,  this is
                                                            Peter: It started out kind of slow, but by the
                kind of embarrassing,  but...IU actually
                                                                   end I was really into it.'
                love to be an actor. I ve always dreamed          -il4rat
                                                         Jennifer:      was it about?
                of that.
                                                            Peter: It's about this woman whose  life
         Tom: Really? I never knew thatl So, why don't
                                                                   completely  falls apart. In the
                you do it?
                                                                   beginning, she gets fired from her job.
                                                                  Then she cant pay her rent. So, she
        Maria: \fell, acting is hard to ger into, you
                                                                  gets kicked out of her aparrment.
                know?  And I dont have much experience.
                                                         Jennifer:  \7ow, that sounds  really depressing.
                I wish I d been in some plays in
                                                            Peter:  Yeah, but it gets better. She has to live
                high school, but I took school really
                                                                  in her car because  she doesnt have a
                seriously...I studied  all the time.
                                                                  place to stay. Meanwhile,  someone
         Tom: do you wish you hadn't  studied  so
                                                                  is looking  for her. He can'r find her,
                                                                  though, because  she doesn't have
        Maria: \fell, not exactly, I guess...but  I wish I d
                                                                  an address.
                gotten involved in some other activities,
                                                         Jennifer:   V4ro is this person?

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