Page 121 - Vargo Mari. - Speak Now 4 Student's Book
P. 121
LESSON 27 I know. I'm not sure why I asked those
Conversation, Part C questions. I guess I was just neryous.
Alicia: I'm so glad we came to London. It's such \7hy dont you write them an email
a beautiful city. and explain that you didn't mean to ask
May: It really is. I cant wait to explorel inappropriate questions, but that you were
Alicia: \X/hat do you feel like doing? Do you want nervous. And thank them for letting you
to take a guided tour or explore on our stay with them.
own? There's a bus tour that starts at noon. That's a good idea. At least it will make me
May: Oh, I'd rather explore on our own. feel better.
Guided tours are too crowded.
I agree. Hm...what should we have for 3. Did you enjoy your trip?
breakfast? Yeah, I did. But I made a huge faux pas the
Do you think we should splurge or sdck day that I arrived.
to our budget? This restaurant looks nice, Oh, nol\Mhat did you do?
but it's probably expensive. I was invited to come to a dinner at
I think it makes sense to splurge. I mean, a colleague's house that evening. The email
you only live oncel said that the dinner started at 7:00, so I
May: \7e11, that's true. In that case, let's go arrived right at 7:00.
shopping after breakfastl Oops. I think that it's inappropriate to
arrive exactly on time in that culture.
I know that now, but I wasnt aware of it at
the time.
Listeningr Part and B
So what happened?
1. A: I'm so embarrassed.
'Well, the host was still getting ready, and I
B: \X4ry?'W4rat happened?
was the only person there. I sat alone in the
A: I did something really inappropriate during
living room for an hour before anyone else
my business meeting this afternoon?
showed up!
B: \What did you do?
A: \7ell, in my culture, it's customary to bring
gifts to a business meeting, so I brought LESSON 25_28 ENGLISH IN ACTION
gifts to my meeting today. Tom: What's up, Alex?
B: \7ell, that's nice. Alex: Huh? Oh, I'm just doing some research.
A: No, it was so uncomfortable. No one else Tom: Really? kind of research?
brought gifts, and they all seemed to think Alex: You know our Brazilian clients are
it was strange that I did. It was a really coming tomorrow, right? So, I really
awkward situation. want to impress them. I'm reading this
B: Dont worry. I'm sure everyone enjoyed article on how to woo clients.
their gifts. Tom: Oh? \flhat does it say?
Alex: Well, it says it's really important to have
2, A: How was your trip? a firm handshake. If you have a weak
B: It was really fun, but I dont think the handshake, you might be seen as a poor
family that I visited will invite me back. leader.
A: \fhy not? Tom: Ahl I'm afraid that was a little too firm.
B: Well, I guess I asked some insensitive Alex: Sorry.
questions while I was visiting. Tom: So, how else do you woo clients?
\Mhat Alex: tWell, you're supposed to copy their
A: What do you mean? did you ask?
B: I asked the father how much his car cost. gestures . . .like if they fold their arms, you
And I asked the mother how much money fold your arms.
she makes at her job. Tom: Oh, I see. Youve been practicing,
A: Oh, yeah. That's considered to be personal haven't you?
information. Alex: You noticed?
Tom: Uh...veah.