Page 124 - Vargo Mari. - Speak Now 4 Student's Book
P. 124
News announcer: One of your fellow citizens Maria: Oh, yeah, itt so funny. A
believes that the city should bunch of people are in an
spend more money on public elevator, and this guy walks in
transportation rather than on eating some porato chips, and
the roads nexr year. \7hat are then they all start singing the
your rhoughts on that issue? potato chip jingle...See, look!
Do you agree? Look at thatl
Citizen 2: I wonder if we should spend Alex: Hey, Tom, do we have any
any money on roads or potato chips? I'm srarving.
transportation at all next year. Tom: Hold on, Alex...this story
It seems to me that the ciry's
looks interesting.. .
biggest problem right now is News anchor: In other news, a robber
crime. broke into a Cortland home
last night and stole some
LESSONS 29_32 ENGLISH IN ACTION valuable jewelry. A woman
who was walking by the
News anchor: Today, the government approved
house witnessed the crime
major budget cuts. Officials
and called the police. The
announced plans to reduce
police were able to catch the
spending on early childhood
education. thief and arresred him at the
scene of the crime. The owner
Maria: Unbelievable. Education should
of the jewelry, billionaire
always be prioritized. Money we
Lucas Urbanski, rewarded the
invesr in educating young kids
witness with a check for one
now will be cost-effective in the
long term. million dollars. He said that
the jewelry had great value
Alex: Hold on. \7hat did you say
to him-it had belonged to
about. . , cost-effective?
his grandmother he
Maria: Oh, I meant that spending money -and
on educating young kids now will wanted to thank the woman
for saving it.
save us money in the future. For
Alex: A million dollars for reporting
example, studies have shown that
a crime?l
if children get a good educarion,
News anchor: Ald now we have a live
they ll be less likely to commir
interview with the witness.
crimes when they get older. So,
Hello? Are you there?
what's your opinion on that, Alex?
Alex: \7ell, the way I see it... Kate: Yes-hellol
Tom: \Waitl Quier, guys-they're talking Alex, Tom, Maria: Itt Kate!
News anchor: So, what are you going to do
about the gamel
Alex: \W4-rat game? with all that money?
Tom: Shhhl Yesl Fluminense bear Kate: Well, the first thing I'm going
to do is quit my job.
Flamengo in a blowout.
Alex: Oh, really? Thatt grear. So Alex: Yesl
News anchor: Thatk everyone's dream, right?
Kate: Then I'm going to ger my own
Maria: Oh, here it is again! My favorite
aparrment...I have a grear
commercial! Have you guys seen
roommate, but I ve always
Alex: Just a second. Did you really say really wanted my own place.
Maria: All right!
you have a favorite commercial?
News anchor: Oh, your poor roommate...