Page 58 - Vargo Mari. - Speak Now 4 Student's Book
P. 58
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r fl Are you afraid of...?
Student A and Student B: Take turns talking about your fears. your partner
suggests ways to overcome each fear. Use the ideas below or your own ideas.
Fear of heights: each day, climb up one more rung of a ladder
Fear of public speaking: practice speaking in front of a pet, then a
friend, then a few friends
:.r: ask about fears. lcan talk about fears.
- ,:ry well E I need more practice. E Very well I I need more practice.
5*r L**Es*t;r Si;r:sler,**g* 4*?.
r @ I'm overworked.
Student A and Student B: Take turns discussing these causes of stress.
Your partner gives advice by talking about his or her own experiences
'inancial problems problems with a family member *#
:oo much work health problems g
can talk about causes of stress. I can give advice by talking about personal experiences
- ,1ery well E I need more practice. E Very well E I need more practice.
5** i**qx*g* &oasrarpcge 45.
r O If I could go anywhere...
Student A and Student B: Take turns talking about the dreams and
,,;ishes below. Your partner expresses interest and asks for reasons.
be a famous actor stay in a space hotel
create a new social networking site invent a new type of technology
:an talk about dreams and wishes. I can express interest and ask for reasons.
- \/ery well E I need more practice. E Very well E I need more practice.
5t* I-**guclur #eiosfe,rp*q* 4L
Student A and Student B: Look at some of the things that people
regret below. Think of two more and write them down. Choose two
that you regret the most. Your partner asks about your regrets.
hu rting someone's feelings not making the right decisions
can ask about regrets. I can talk about regrets.
- Very well I I need more practlce. E Very well n I need more practice.
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